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Henry County Schools Cohort Technical Assistance Informational Meeting

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1 Henry County Schools Cohort 2018 Technical Assistance Informational Meeting

2 Welcome! Please make sure you have signed in so your school is credited with attending!

3 Henry County Schools’ Timeline for Redesign: December 2013-
116 days 485 days 2125 days 129 days 540 days 1785 days 124 days 547 days 1444 days 129 days 541 days 1103 days 129 days 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 541 days 762 days Apply 12/1/ /26/2014 129 days Cohort 15 (6 schools) 542 days Plan 4/5/ /2/2015 420 days Implement & Evaluate 8/4/ /28/2021 Apply 10/1/ /6/2015 Cohort 16 (9 schools) Plan 2/9/ /1/2016 Implement & Evaluate 8/2/ /21/2021 Apply 10/1/ /1/2016 Cohort 17 (9 schools) Plan 2/2/ /1/2017 8/2/ /15/2021 Implement & Evaluate Apply 10/1/ /6/2017 Cohort 18 (9 schools) Plan 2/7/ /1/2018 Implement & Evaluate 8/2/ /8/2021 Apply 10/1/ /6/2018 Henry County Schools’ Timeline for Redesign: December 2013- August 2020 Cohort 19 (9 schools) Plan 2/7/ /1/2019 Implement & Evaluate 8/2/ /1/2021 Apply 10/1/ /6/2019 Today Cohort 20 (9 schools) Plan 2/7/ /1/2020 8/2/ /25/2021 Implement & Evaluate

4 Redesign your school around the HCS Vision for PL
The Work: Redesign your school around the HCS Vision for PL

5 Why This Process? We want coalitions of enthusiastic & courageous!
Not prescriptive, top-down from the district Guardrails, support and processes from the district Autonomies for schools Process is formal, supported with money, resources and an ample timeline. Every school is unique and that should be honored. We want different models of personalized learning within the district, not cookie-cutter copies of one design Schools serve as models for future schools 3:45

6 Cohort 18 Process Overview & Timeline
Fall 2016 Dec. 2016 Spring- Fall 2017 Oct. 2017 Nov. 2017 Dec. 2017 Aug. 2018 Fall Implement, Evaluate, Refine, Continue Rollout Launch Elements of Plan Create CIP, PD, Communication Approval Presentation Vision, Research, Travel, Pilot, Write a Strategic Plan Selection Application

7 Start with Why

8 Your Mission: Redesign your school to personalize learning.
Ensure success through increasing student agency. Every kid. What they need. When they need it. Dream big.

9 The Team & Project Management
Importance of Project Manager Selection Team Selection Adequate Time for Work PM (1/2 time) Team (designated meeting time) Principal participation is essential PM: Good working relationship with faculty, respected and hard worker Team selection: 7-8 people Cross-section of faculty but does not mean someone from every team, etc Respected faculty members Push thinking Question ideas in a productive way Recommend a parent and student serve on the committee Design team will engage in an intense strategic planning process

10 School Culture Culture eats planning for lunch J
Does your school have these things: Sense of urgency/need to change? Previous innovative efforts? Willing risk-takers? Collaboration? Capacity to plan for & implement change? A supportive community? Transparent process (public comment); your school has to be able to withstand that No one will have it figured out on day 1 and your thinking will evolve YOU have to have your compelling reason for WHY

11 The Application An Overview

12 Capacity to Implement (30 points possible)
PERSONALIZED LEARNING IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Capacity to Implement (30 points possible) Tell Your Story! Tell your school’s story- BE COMPELLING NOT JUST DEMOGRAPHICS Stability/Morale of staff and school leadership: commitment to the school community How committed are you to the school community and this work? Record of success: celebrate a success story! Recent challenge for your school How did you address it? How do you know you’re winning? Mission/Goals: Existing school mission School goals (brief) and how do you set those goals? Communication to the larger school community Culture: What aspects of your current culture support this work How are you building a culture of innovation?

13 Vision and Plan (40 points possible)
School Design Team: who is on your team? Representative of all stakeholders Working vs. advisory functions Project manager with time devoted to this works Make sure you explain how you will delegate this person’s duties so they can devote ½ time to being Project Manager Vision: Understand district vision and how this might look at your school Be COMPELLING. What is your WHY? What is your vision for PL at your school and why What is the “end” game for your students. What will they know and be able to do? Discuss the 5 tenets of PL learning Competency and flexible pacing for students Tech-enabled/blended PL plans for students Project-based, real-world projects 21st Century Skills (creativity, communication, collaboration, critical thinking) Technical Readiness- describe your readiness and barriers (how will you tackle) Current infrastructure (IT..BYOT, etc) Training/readiness for staff re: blended learning Problem PL might address for your students (YOUR WHY) PD Plan for staff Anticipated needs Threshold for risk-taking, innovation, failure Cultivating leadership at all levels How will you improve instructional practice Staffing: How will staffing change to make PL a reality? Scheduling: How will scheduling change to better meet student needs? Rollout Plan: Will you start small and why? If so, where and how to start? And how will it expand to include the entire school? Will this be a whole-school start? If so, why? What elements will you roll out first? Barriers: Identify some potential barriers How will you address those barriers? What Will Your School Be?

14 Enthusiasm and Support for PL (30 points possible)
PERSONALIZED LEARNING IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Enthusiasm and Support for PL (30 points possible) How Supportive Is Your School Community? MOU: for your faculty and staff outlining expectations for staff. How does this differ from current expectations Leadership team buy-in Explain the Process they have taken for visioning and planning Letter of support (or any evidence you’d like to submit) Teacher buy-in: same as above Parent buy-in: same as above This is not just 5 people in your staff, community. It is a disaster if you do not involve all stakeholders Alignment with feeder school How does your plan align with feeder? How will schools work together to ensure student progress will be honored at the next level

15 Application Written Site Visit Word document, 10 pages maximum
Can include an Appendix Submitted via Evaluated by selection committee Site Visit Follow-up visits to schools Nov/Dec 2016 Final decision by Mr. Bowler

16 Support System Community of Practice Cohort 15,16 & 17 Cohort 2018
Convenings P/PM Meetings Presentations Platform District Supports The Team Resources (money & people) Process Experience & Advice

17 Expectations High-capacity PM & team
Time and resources to this process Required events Timely submission of deliverables Financial responsibility Be open to input, feedback, tough conversations Be transparent & engage with stakeholders Reflect Share best practices with others and pay it forward

The school selection process will assess “will and skill” based on applicants’ vision, enthusiasm, and capacity to implement PL Eligibility 2018 target: 7-9 high-capacity schools Preference given to applications from feeder clusters Selection process Technical Assistance day: Sept. 14, 2016 Intent to Apply: September 16, 2016 Applications due: October 31, 2016 Evaluated by selection committee based on a rubric Site visits Selection committee recommendations go to senior staff for feedback, then superintendent for approval Selected schools notified by December 2016 Evaluation criteria* Category Points Possible Vision and Plan 40 points Enthusiasm and Support for PL 30 points Capacity to Implement 3:45 * Decided by PL Advisory Group consensus

19 Advice from the Field: Cohort 2015/2016 Speaks Karen McClain, Project Manager OES Jen Gay, Project Manager LHS Martin Gore, Principal, HHS

20 Mythbusters

21 The district office and consultants will tell us what to do.
Myth 1: The district office and consultants will tell us what to do. Truth: Schools determine their model and rollout plan within guardrails

22 We have to change everything about our school.
Myth 2: We have to change everything about our school. Truth: Redesign to increase student agency.

23 You have to present 5-6 times.
Myth 3: We have to present one million times. Truth: You have to present 5-6 times.

24 Myth 6: My teachers will revolt because PL means kids are doing whatever they want. Truth: Teachers are reporting increased engagement, decreased discipline and more student agency K-12.

25 Myth 8: This is work. Truth: This is work.

26 District Contacts Aaryn Schmuhl Alison Norsworthy- Redesign Contact Karen Perry- Implementation Contact Executive Officers

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