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Practicing German Numbers 20+

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Presentation on theme: "Practicing German Numbers 20+"— Presentation transcript:

1 Practicing German Numbers 20+

2 Helpful Hints: German numbers are written with the ones digits before the tens digits. For example: zweiundfünfzig = 52

3 Helpful Hints: The word “und” (and) connects the ones digits to the tens digits in numbers For example: zweiundfünfzig = 52

4 Helpful Hints: German “ig” at the end of a German number is equal to English “ty”. For example: zwanzig = twenty

5 Let’s look at some higher numbers
48 = acht|und|vierzig 8 and

6 Let’s look at some higher numbers
85 = fünfundachtzig 5 and 80

7 Let’s look at some higher numbers
34= vierunddreiβig

8 Your turn to write some higher numbers

9 Hilfe: s_ _benundn_ _n_ _ _

10 Die Antwort: siebenundneunzig

11 Your turn to write some higher numbers

12 Hilfe: s_ _ _ _ _ _ _z_ _n_ _g

13 Die Antwort: sechsundzwanzig

14 Your turn to write some higher numbers

15 Hilfe: z_ _ _undf_ _ _ _ _g

16 Die Antwort: zweiundfünfzig

17 Your turn to write some higher numbers

18 Hilfe: _ _ _runds_ _ _ _ _g

19 Die Antwort: vierundsechzig

20 Your turn to write some higher numbers

21 Die Antwort: achtundsiebzig

22 Your turn to write some higher numbers

23 Remember: “eins” changes to “ein”
Die Antwort: einundvierzig Remember: “eins” changes to “ein”

24 Your turn to write some higher numbers

25 Die Antwort: neunundachtzig

26 Your turn to write some higher numbers

27 Die Antwort: fünfundzwanzig

28 Your turn to write some higher numbers

29 Die Antwort: dreiunddreißig

30 Your turn to write some higher numbers

31 hunderteinundneunzig 100 1 and 90
Die Antwort: hunderteinundneunzig and 90

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