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Presentation on theme: "TWO WEEKS OUT ONE WEEK OUT DAY OF THE EVENT HELPFUL HINTS"— Presentation transcript:

Most important!!! Contact Sugarcreek police and ask for assistance for after the event. Sugarcreek PD will usually guide traffic from the high school onto Upper Bellbrook and will have an officer at the corner of Feedwire and Upper Bellbrook Road. The spectator traffic out of the HS and 3 North exits is usually orderly but police assistance is needed at the South exit to ensure the busses can safely exit as they take the wide right turn onto Upper Bellbrook Road safely. ONE WEEK OUT Contact Sugarcreek PD to confirm they can still assist and have the right times and locations. If possible get a POC and arrange a meeting point/time. Check to see if there’s an athletic event going on that day? If so, then you’ll need to pre-coordinate with the athletic department to make sure that the athletic parking lot isn’t used. Otherwise, you’ll have the kids and parents parking right where you need to park the equipment trucks. They will likely not want to cooperate with this so be prepared to engage with Mr. Foster as needed. Check to make sure the batteries in the light sticks are good (have backups) and that you can locate the parking signs (in the band barn). DAY OF THE EVENT Provide each volunteer with a light stick, reflective vest, and radio. Put out traffic signs and traffic barrels. Post volunteers at the locations according to the charts. Once the ball field parking is filled, #1 and #2 can move to the front to direct spectators to parking spots. Use the grassy areas adjacent to Upper Bellbrook Road once the parking spaces are filled. You have to mark the ditches with cones or something so people won’t drive into them. Volunteers will have to be there to assist and direct traffic as appropriate. DO NOT park anyone in the grassy area in front of the high school. There are too many ways for cars to get damaged or stuck. Leave the HS parking lot to the very end. Bellbrook performs last. You should not have any volunteers on parking duty roughly 30 minutes prior to their performance. At this time, they still have the HS parking lot and/or vacated slots where spectators can park themselves. Make sure you have arranged at least 5 volunteers for after the event and they are briefed where to be, when to be there, and what they need to do. HELPFUL HINTS DO NOT allow any student to help with the parking. There are too many risks involved and they often don’t have the experience to tell a parent what to do.

2 Warm-up Area B Warm-up Area A

3 610 Spectator Parking Spots
B 1 T A H 6 5 Trucks Only 4 3 Busses & Cars 2 X X 1 – 139 2 – 59 3 – 48 4 – 139 5 – 72 6 – 153 H – 42 A – 50 610 Spectator Parking Spots

4 Volunteer locations at beginning of event
10 9 2 3 1 8 7 11 Trucks Only Busses & Cars 4 6 X X 5 Volunteer locations at beginning of event Barrels used to control event entry. Remove the barrels at the entrance/exit before leaving the parking areas unattended to facilitate spectators exiting after the event.

5 Volunteer locations at the END of the event
1 3 2 4 Trucks Only Busses & Cars 5 Volunteer locations at the END of the event Volunteers will control pedestrian and vehicle traffic so buses can reach the road quickly and safely. Make sure they are in briefed on what to do and are in place before the awards ceremony is underway so they are prepared. At the end of the event, Police should be posted here so buses can be safely escorted to the road.

6 1 X Field Grass ~137 spaces

7 B X

8 2 Elementary South Lot 59 spaces

9 Handicapped Parking H Handicapped Parking 34 spaces + 8 next to hoops
Elementary Center Lot 48 spaces

10 4 Elementary North Lot 139 spaces

11 5 High School South Lot 72 spaces

12 8 Blocked off for Judges 6 High School Front Lot 153 spaces - 8 slots reserved for judges

13 A High School North Lot Reserved for Warm-Up areas ‘A’ and ‘B’

14 Semi Semi Semi Semi T


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