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Voluntary Exchange Econ 10/3.

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1 Voluntary Exchange Econ 10/3

2 Voluntary Exchange In the free-market, buyers and sellers voluntarily come together to seek mutual benefits.

3 Example of Voluntary Exchange
You want to buy a truck so you go to the local dealership. You are willing to spend up to $20,000 for a new 4x4. The seller is willing to sell this truck for no less than $15,000. After some negotiation you buy the truck for $18,000. Analysis: Buyer’ Maximum- Sellers Minimum- Price- Consumer’s Surplus- Producer’s Surplus- $20,000 $15,000 $18,000 $2,000 $3,000

4 Surplus Consumer Surplus is the difference between what you are willing to pay and what you actually pay. CS = Buyer’s Maximum – Price Producer’s Surplus is the difference between the price the seller received and how much they were willing to sell it for. PS = Price – Seller’s Minimum

5 The Pearl Exchange There will be four trading sessions.
In each session, you can only buy or sell ONCE. When you make a deal, shake hands and come to the board to record your negotiated price. Then go back to your seat and record your surplus in the table. If you do not make a sale or purchase, you take the entire minimum or maximum price for a LOSS. Are you the best negotiator in the class? Let’s find out. Good Luck!

6 Supply and Demand Analysis
Easy as 1, 2, 3 Before the change: Draw supply and demand Label original equilibrium price and quantity The change: Did it affect supply or demand first? Which determinant caused the shift? Draw increase or decrease After change: Label new equilibrium? What happens to Price? What happens to Output (Quantity)?

7 Round 3: Supply of Pearls Decreased
Why? At the original PE there is a shortage so prices increased P1 PE D o Q Q1 QE

8 Round 4: Demand Decreased
P S Why? At the original PE there is a surplus (Qd<Qs) so prices fell PE P1 D D1 o Q Q1 QE

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