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Presentation on theme: "SUPSALV OIL SPILL RESPONSE OVERVIEW"— Presentation transcript:

United States Navy Director Of Ocean Engineering Supervisor of Salvage & Diving SUPSALV OIL SPILL RESPONSE OVERVIEW First Thank CAPT ___ (or senior Navy official), Awni (for organizing, hosting, & invitation), 5THFLT POC, & Participating Gulf Nation attendees. - Gulf Region coordination & relationships more important than response equipment SEPT 2017 Kemp Skudin, SUPSALV Oil Spill Program Manager Lito Roque, Assistant ESSM Base Manager, Port Hueneme 1

2 SUPSALV Mission Areas Diving Salvage Ocean Engineering
Oil and Hazardous Substance Response Underwater Ship Husbandry 2

3 ESSM Bases (Emergency Ship Salvage Material)
Ready to Deploy: Salvage & Oil Pollution Response Systems Ready to Support: Operators & Maintainers Fleet Salvage and Diving Force Enabler ANCHORAGE S, P PORT HUENEME S, P, U ROTA S WILLIAMSBURG S, P, U, D BAHRAIN S, P, U SASEBO S, U PEARL HARBOR S, P, U, D Basics: Inventory 25,000 + items 0ver 400,000 sf. 4 U.S. & 4 Foreign Bases Contractor Operated Competitively Bid - GOCO 160 Full-Time Personnel Equipment: Mission Requirement Inventory Objectives Ready-for-Issue Short-Term Emergency Use Operator Supported as Required Operational and Engineering Support as Required SINGAPORE S ESSM GOCO Contractor - GPC The location of the SUPSALV ESSM bases are shown here - The U.S. bases contain most of SUPSALV’S pollution response equipment inventory. Williamsburg, Virginia and Port Hueneme, California are the largest bases each having in excess of 150,000 square feet of covered space. Pearl Harbor, Hawaii and Anchorage, Alaska are significantly smaller bases. The four overseas unmanned ESSM bases are typically 10,000 to 15,000 square feet. They store primarily salvage equipment to support fleet requirements. These warehouses are located on foreign military facilities. ESSM inventory of material is maintained for rapid shipment of ready-for-issue equipment and other, often unique, items. The inventory and material history is maintained on a system-wide data base. ESSM warehouse space is used for both storage and shop maintenance. Critical items are stored in controlled humidity environments to extend equipment life and provide immediate deployment. Also, much of the equipment is stored in shipping containers as integrated systems. The four US ESSM bases are contractor operated with permanent maintenance and operations staff. The four overseas bases are unmanned, and are supported by local contractors and military. The Supervisor of Salvage controls all issuance of ESSM material. Determination of what assistance is required rests with the evaluation of a given situation. SUPSALV technical assistance may also be provided. Equipment is intended for short-term or project use and is not for unit inventory replacement. Equipment is shipped in a ready-for-issue condition with all ancillary components, spares and manuals. Experienced contractor operators can be deployed with the equipment as necessary. This usually done for oil pollution recovery operations or to support specialized or unique equipment. The ESSM inventory is based on established Inventory Objectives and adjusted for emerging requirements. Also, material obtained for specialized operations is often available in the inventory and can be used or modified for a new requirement. S = Salvage Equipment P = Pollution Response Equipment U = UWSH Equipment D = Diving Equipment Proven Model For Rapid Deployment 3

4 SUPSALV Salvage (COCO) and Deep Ocean Search and Recovery (GOCO) Contractors
East Coast Salvor (Donjon) SUPSALV West Coast Salvor (Ardent) SUPSALV Western Pacific Salvor (Smit) Deep Ocean Search & Recovery Contract Phoenix International, Largo, MD 4

Program Management: NAVSEA 00C25, Washington Navy Yard, DC Main site for design, configuration control, fabrication: Cheatham Annex ,VA Manned sites: Cheatham Annex ,VA; Port Hueneme, CA; Anchorage, AK; Pearl Harbor, HI Unmanned sites: Rota, SP; Bahrain; Singapore; Sasebo, JA VA CA HI AK BAH SPA SING JA Design, Config, Fabricate X Salvage Oil Spill Response Ships Husbandry Support Diving Support GOVT OWNED, CONTRACTOR MAINTAINED, CONTRACTOR OR GOVT OPERATED (DEPENDING ON MISSION, OIL SPILL RESPONSE ALMOST ALWAYS CONTRACTOR OPERATED)

6 SUPSALV Oil Spill Equipment Overview
Skimmer Systems (Class V & NOFI Current Buster) Not intended as First Response. Additional resources needed for major spill. 6

7 SUPSALV Oil Spill Equipment Overview
Containment/Deflection Boom & Boom Mooring Systems Salvage Support Skimmer Van SUPSALV Support Systems (Vans – Command, Shop, Rigging, Berthing, Pumping, Cleaning, Salvage Spill) Deployment time for 1000’ of boom – with 2 mooring systems – boom & mooring weights 7

8 Experienced SUPSALV & Contractor Personnel
* Experienced SUPSALV & Contractor Personnel When our equipment is called out, highly trained and skilled operators transport, assemble, operate, and field maintain the equipment. We have approximately 150 full time operators who day to day maintain, modify, and drill the equipment for an emergency callout, 2/3 of these operators, or 100 responders, are immediately available. Also, standing emergency response contracts can provide us approximately 150 additional responders, all on a two hour callout. Many operators 20+ years experience Operators surged from all ESSM bases 8 *


10 Operations EXXON VALDEZ
Major Spill Response SUPSALV – 20 SKIMMERS, 20,000’ boom, Up to 100 personnel Navy – Provided LSDs for hotel services for shoreline workers Exxon Valdez with tugs after refloating Early shoreline cleanup – Note LSD, Landing Craft, & float planes SUPSALV V-boom skimming with MonArk & Fishing Boat (hotel) 10 10 10

Submerged Oil Removal August 2001 November 1944 February 2003 553’ LOA, 24,425 tons April 2001 Sport Divers, August 2001 Initial Spill & Navy Response, December 2001 new spill, Dec 2001 – Jan/Feb 2002 Navy response Jan-Mar 2003 Oil Removal 11 11 11

12 USS MISSISSINEWA, 2003 USS MISSISSINEWA sunk in 125 FSW in Ulithi Atoll off the Island of Yap 1944 Approximately 3.8 million gallons of fuel oil on board Gov of Yap request US assistance Early 2003 MDSU-1 divers removed remaining oil via “hot-tapping” Removed remaining oil from 21 tanks, engine room, pump room & piping Recovered oil sold to Singapore for recycling Operation completed ahead of schedule Estimate only 5 gallons of oil released into environment 12

Oil Removal Sep 2000 UWSH to repair – found removal job (Mike, Phoenix, Scott Mattingly) Fleet Salvage – LANTFLT – LCDR Jess Riegle. MDSU Salv Off took over salvage Pollution – Joe, Denise, & ESSM – trajectories, boom, hot taps, pumps, bladders 13 13 13

14 Hot-Tapping and Patching
M/V Tong Cheng Hot-Tapping and Patching (Off Pearl Harbor) M/V Tong Cheng USN Mobile Diving and Salvage Unit 1 Providing Diver Support Hot Tapping Hardware USN Diver Hot Tapping M/V Tong Chen 3” Pumping System 14

15 EX-USS CHEHALIS Fuel Offload Operation Pago Pago, Samoa
OCTOBER 1949 Offload, APRIL 2010 APRIL 2009 SURVEY 553’ LOA, 24,425 tons April 2001 Sport Divers, August 2001 Initial Spill & Navy Response, December 2001 new spill, Dec 2001 – Jan/Feb 2002 Navy response Jan-Mar 2003 Oil Removal VOLUME ESTIMATES, OTHER TANKS VERIFIED EMPTY 15

16 Skimmer Suction Head for gasoline
Hot tapping for diesel Skimmer Suction Head for gasoline

17 Deepwater Horizon Disaster Response
7/17/2018 Deepwater Horizon Disaster Response 28APR-04OCT 2010 NAVSEA 00C is tasked by the CNO to provide technical direction and guidance for all matters related to salvage and diving. Authority is found in Public Law and a number of OPNAV instructions: (Salvage), (Pollution), (Diving & Certification). 17

18 27 April: USCG Verbal Request
28 April: USCG Official Request 29 April : SUPSALV Equipment on Scene As of 31 July: 96,000 ft. Boom in GOM + 73,000 ft. deployed 18 MARCO Skimmers 5 VOSS Skimmers 130+ Personnel Deployed 200+ Truck Loads of Equipment

19 Questions? Questions? 19


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