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English and Maths meeting

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1 English and Maths meeting
Welcome English and Maths meeting

2 C

3 Why Continuous Cursive?
The most widely recommended handwriting style is called continuous cursive. Its most important feature is that each letter is formed without taking the pencil off the paper – and consequently, each word is formed in one, flowing movement. The key advantages to this system are: By making each letter in one movement, children’s hands develop a ‘physical memory’ of it, making it easier to produce the correct shape; Because letters and words flow from left to right, children are less likely to reverse letters which are typically difficult (like b/d or p/q); There is a clearer distinction between capital letters and lower case; The continuous flow of writing ultimately improves speed and spelling



6 Our choice of fonts

7 English Targets Targets stuck in homework books each half term
       English Targets Targets stuck in homework books each half term Target 1 handwriting/presentation Cursive handwriting sheet in homework books to refer to at home


9 Growth mindset WE CAN ALL DO MATHS

10 Mastery and Singapore Maths
Teaching Maths for mastery is a transformational approach to Maths teaching which stems from high performing Asian nations such as Singapore. When taught to master Maths, children develop their mathematical fluency without resorting to rote learning and are able to solve non-routine Maths problems without having to memorise procedures.

11 Maths Useful websites:

12 Maths Fluency Targets Sent home in Homework books - each year group has the same year group target at the same time (Friday 29th September/Monday 2nd October) Targets will vary in time-scale Regular daily practising at school Weekly Maths homework Support from home Intervention for the following week- (parents informed for daily support) SEN

13 And finally… WE CAN ALL DO MATHS!

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