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Erikka Goff Georgetown Learning Centers

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1 Erikka Goff Georgetown Learning Centers
Interpreting the PSAT Introduce myself, over 10 years of experience working in the test prep field Thanks Mr. Johnson for inviting me to speak Erikka Goff Georgetown Learning Centers

2 This afternoon we will…
Answer frequently asked questions about the PSAT Interpret the score report Explore resources to prepare for the New SAT

3 Why do students take the PSAT?
To prepare for the SAT, which is one of the factors used by universities and colleges to determine who they accept. PSAT scores are NOT for use by colleges as part of their admission criteria. To qualify for the National Merit Scholarship program (11th-graders only). Selection index cutoff predicted to be around 209, varies by state, 97th percentile and above

4 Who takes the PSAT? More than 3.5 million students Mostly juniors
Over 23,000 high schools Albemarle County pays for all 10th and 11th graders to take the PSAT.

5 What does the PSAT measure?
The PSAT provides a standardized view of scholastic skills in the following areas: Evidence-Based Reading and Writing Mathematics Helps compare student performance to other college-bound students nationwide Helps students see if they are on the right track for college readiness

6 How is the PSAT scored? Students receive one point for each correct answer For incorrect answers or blank answers, zero points are deducted The student’s score is reported on a scale of 160 to 760 for each section (Evidence-based Reading and Writing; Math) Maximum total score of 1520 Reading, Math, and Writing test scores are doubled and added together to get the selection index, so equal weight.

7 Average PSAT scores The national average score for eleventh graders was: 480 in Evidence-Based Reading and Writing 489 in Math 969 total The benchmarks for college readiness were: 460 in Evidence-Based Reading and Writing 510 in Math Percentiles: National representative sample compares to ALL juniors in the country, including those who don’t typically take the test User percentiles compare to students who typically take PSAT (user percentiles available on the online score report) Benchmarks for college readiness show if you are on track to succeed in first-year college courses

8 Can PSAT scores be used to estimate SAT scores?
PSAT questions are designed to be the same type as those on the SAT. The PSAT scale of 320 to 1520 is comparable to the SAT scale of 400 to 1600. Projected SAT score ranges are included in the student’s online score report. Projected SAT Score range is different from PSAT score range

9 Vertical Scaling of Scores
SAT is harder so if you do exactly as well on the SAT as you did on the PSAT, your score would be a bit lower. A student scoring 550 on the PSAT is demonstrating the same level of achievement as a student scoring 550 on the SAT. It does NOT mean that the same student is predicted to score a 550 on the SAT. The PSAT is reported on a slightly lower scale ( ), reflecting the fact that the exams test the same body of skills, but at age-appropriate levels.

10 Differences between SAT and PSAT
The SAT is a much longer test with essay (3 hours and 50 minutes), compared to the PSAT (2 hours and 45 minutes) SAT sections PSAT sections Reading: 65 min. Reading: 60 min. Writing & Language: 35 min. Writing & Lang: 35 min. Math no calculator: 25 min. Math with calculator: 55 min. Math with calculator: 45 min. Essay (optional): 50 min. No essay Total: 3 hr 50 min. Total: 2 hr 45 min. SAT is given on a Saturday morning PSAT is given during the school day

11 How can a student improve his/her score?
Rigorous academic courses Extensive, quality outside reading and/or writing Using the free College Board and Khan Academy resources online Take a practice test and become more familiar with test directions, types of questions, and pacing You can import your score report into Khan academy. View test results on and link your test results to Khan academy.

12 Interpreting the score report
Total score (320 to 1520) Section scores (160 to 760) Test Scores (8 to 38 range) Cross-Test Scores (8 to 38 range) Subscores (1 to 15 range) Look at your score report

13 Interpreting the score report
Nationally representative is for ALL juniors in the country, including ones who do not usually take the PSAT. Online report includes user percentile for students who take the test Red: Need to strengthen skills Yellow: Approaching benchmark Green: Meets or exceeds benchmark 460 in R/W, 510in Math

14 Interpreting the score report
Reading, W & L contribute to Words in Context and Command of Evidence W & L contributes to Expression of Ideas and Standard English Conventions Subscores not as important as Total score and 2 section scores on top of score report. Subscores and Cross-test scores can help students figure out how to focus their prep, but colleges only care about the Section scores.

15 Interpreting the score report
National Merit Scholarship Your scores: Next Steps Selection index-add Reading test, writing test, and math test scores and multiply by 2 Next steps: improve your skills by focusing on the skills and improvement suggestions (more info online)

16 Question-Level Feedback
Correct Answer Difficulty Level Subscore/Cross-Test Categories See the questions and answer explanations online

17 Resources CollegeBoard has partnered with Khan Academy to offer free personalized practice Go to on your phone or computer to link your accounts

18 SAT and SAT Subject Test Scores available online
What’s next? 11th graders should register for the SAT and possibly SAT Subject Tests this spring at SAT and SAT Subject Test Scores available online March 11 (SAT Only) April 13 May 6 June 8 June 3 July 12 March and May SAT scores will be released in 1 month, and June scores will be released in 5-6 weeks. If a student has low scores on Passport to Advanced Math and they’re currently in Alg 2, they could wait until May or June but probably not advisable to wait until next year because then they will have fewer chances to sit for a test. This year, students won’t be able to see their scores from a previous test before registering for the next test. March SAT registration deadline is Friday, Feb. 10. ACT is offered April 8th and June 10th.

19 What’s next? Another option to consider is the ACT test ACT Dates
Scores Available Feb. 11 Feb. 22-April 7 April 8 April 18-June 2 June 10 June 20-August 4 Most scores are available for online viewing within 2 weeks after each national or international test date. Your scores are not reported any faster if you view them online. Score reports are normally released within 3 to 8 weeks after each test date. If you took the writing test, your score reports will be released only after all your scores are available, including writing, within 5 to 8 weeks after the test date.

20 What’s next? Study! Private Prep is great for students who have unbalanced scores, or for students who have scores in the highest (>90%) or lowest (<40%) percentiles. Class Prep is great for students with even scores but could use some general improvement and instruction. Taking practice tests and timed self-study is great for students who didn’t have problems with content, but struggled with timing and stamina. Mention that Khan Academy is a great resource for self-study Free diagnostic at our office

21 Questions? Erikka Goff Director Georgetown Learning Centers

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