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Exploring College Readiness Cross-Disciplinary Instructor Intercommunications and Corresponding Student Achievement April 21, 2017.

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1 Exploring College Readiness Cross-Disciplinary Instructor Intercommunications and Corresponding Student Achievement April 21, 2017


3 NOW PLAYING Co-Starring Roles: Shared Resources that Yielded Student Success Act One: SE College Readiness Math Act Two: SE College Readiness Reading and Writing Closing Credits: Questions and Answers

4 SE College Readiness Math, Reading, and Writing Shared Resources

5 Overview of SE College Readiness & Shared Office Space
Overview of History on SE Campus Shared Office Space Serves as a College Readiness Central for Students and Instructors Proximity allows for frequent instructor discussions Develops comradery Helps to keep both instructors informed of various College Readiness developments

6 Shared Classroom and Mutual Students
Mirrored schedules Shared classroom Several students take Math and Reading/Writing concurrently Helps with retention because of student familiarity with environment Eases students’ minds regarding having to take more than one College Readiness class Also encourages students to complete both or all College Readiness classes Data: In Fall 2016, nearly 70% of SE Reading and Writing students also took Math.

7 SE College Readiness Math: Program and Student Successes

8 MATH 0090 Students use ALEKS – Web-based learning software
Individualized, self-paced program Emphasizes retention of concepts 8-week semesters; students can work from term to term Allows students to work at a pace that maximizes their learning while simultaneously allowing instructors to serve as many students as possible

9 Data Monitoring TSI scores/diagnostic scores
Student usage of learning lab (When/how often do they visit? How long are their visits?) Time spent in system (How many hours per week is the student working on the program?) Efficiency of time spent in the system (How quickly is the student progressing?) Tracking students through Developmental Math I

10 Collaboration with Learning Lab
Actively encouraging students to utilize campus resources Occasionally hold classes in the Math Resource Center to encourage students to visit Hold office hours in Math Resource Center (4 hours every Friday) Working close with Lab Manager; possibility of tutor-run workshops in the future

11 Outcomes so far In Fall 2016, 86 students moved from College Readiness Math to either Developmental Math I or Developmental Math II, resulting in a progression rate of about 20%. Prior to Fall 2016, the progression rate was less than 5%. We expect to see this progression rate increase further in subsequent semesters as more students finish the work that they started in previous semesters.

12 SE College Readiness Reading and Writing: Program and Student Successes

13 ENGL 0090 and RDNG 0090 (INRW 0090) Students use McGraw-Hill Connect, but also use instructor-created tools and Open Educational Materials (OEMs) 8-week classes; two days per week; 80 minutes Lectures Guided (Independent) Learning Group Learning Homework via Blackboard Interactive Learning Activities

14 Data Monitoring TSI scores/diagnostic scores
Passing for Class: 900 on Diagnostic; 90% of coursework must be passed; receive CR in class Reading: Pre-test and Post-test with Nelson Denney Writing: No pretest; instructor-created midterm and final Grades given on all homework assignments; instructor monitors grades As part of Counselor duties, instructor goes through TSI scores regularly Students who pass receive a Letter of Completion

15 Collaboration with Academic Foundations and Other Entities
Actively encouraging students to utilize campus resources including Library, Reading Writing Resource Center, and others Invite Academic Foundations instructors to come speak to classes every eight weeks Network with other programs such as the Autism Spectrum Disorder classes; invite students to come and learn with class Serve on Dev Ed ACT, District Dev Ed Task Force Train other College Readiness Instructor/Counselors

16 Outcomes so far In Fall 2016, 70 students moved from College Readiness Writing to Writing Techniques I, INRW, or English Composition I. This resulted in a progression rate of 62.5%. Prior to Fall 2016, the progression rate was less than 5%. In Fall 2016, 60 students moved from College Readiness Reading to Reading Techniques I or INRW. This resulted in a progression rate of 58.8%. Prior to Fall 2016, the progression rate was less than 5%. We expect to see this progression rate increase further in subsequent semesters.

17 Questions and Answers

18 Thank You

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