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Topographic Information Systems in the Netherlands

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Presentation on theme: "Topographic Information Systems in the Netherlands"— Presentation transcript:

1 Topographic Information Systems in the Netherlands
Ferjan Ormeling (based on material from TDN) Map samples: copyright Topografische Dienst Nederland (TDN)

2 Production overview Aerial Photographs TOP10vector Terrain
Reconnaissance Photogrammetry orthophoto Updated Aerial Photograph digitising check TOP10vector

3 Interpretation aerial photographs

4 Reconnaissance in the field

5 Pencomputer for reconnaissance

6 Updated aerial photograph

7 Digitizing aerial photographs
Digitising aerial photographs Digitizing aerial photographs

8 Interface (Microstation)

9 Test plot TOP10vector Test plot

10 4-Year cycle TOP10vector

11 Top10vector (DCM)

12 Top10vector (DCM) Topogr.Map 1:25 000

13 Production of topographic map series, Netherlands
TOP250vector Photo- gramme- try Aerial photo- graphs kaarte TOP100vector TOP50vector TOP10vector TOP500vector Maps Vector files Field survey Visualisations generalisation Dgn, dxf, Arc/Info, NEN1878

14 Generalization from 1:25.000 to 1:500.000
1:50.000 1: 1: 1:

15 Current selection possibilities at TDN
Selection possible on Object category code Regional Road Main Road Deciduous forest Street Big building Hothouses Parking lots

16 Current data model for Top10vector
code description About 200 codes, for all legend items , exist

17 Object-oriented data Individual objects can be selected and presented with their attributes Feature Attribute Value Road part Type Class Road type Connection >7m Regional road ID 12345 ID 21345 Road part Type Use Area Parking ID 23762 Water part Type Kind Connection River ID 96735 Building Auction Function ID 65385 Building Function Greenhouse ID 76549 Terrain kind Deciduous forest Hulsfort ID 24356 Geogr. name type Local name

18 Present topographic map 1:25 000

19 TOP10 converted to objects

20 TOP10 converted to objects

21 Objects with attributes (1)

22 Object met attributen (voorbeeld 3)

23 Object met attributen (voorbeeld 4)

24 User-specifications TOP10-21st century (1) in the Netherlands
Link older and newer versions Needed Open standards (OpenGIS) Needed Meta data Needed Real world objects Needed Covering the whole country, no gaps Needed

25 User-specifications TOP10-21st century (2)
Time aspect of objects Needed Multi-scale representation Wished Linking with other (thematic) databasesWished Payable use Nice-to-have Usability Wished Delivery via Internet Nice-to-have

26 Linking older and newer versions of Top10vector
Protection of users’ investments in the current version. Possibilities for data exchange with customers that do not buy updates (New) customers must be able to start using every available version Re-use of objects that did not change must be possible

27 Meta-information required
Making available data on the data on object level Description of the classification structure of the objects; Information on the manner and time of data gathering and on the latest check, per object; Information on the quality of the individual object data (precision, reliability, up-to-dateness).

28 Example of objects with meta-information
Attribute Value Road part_id: Type: Connection Conn.width: 7 meter Conn. material: Asphalt Road type: Regional road Streetname: Mansholtlaan Road number: N781 Administrator: Province Source NWB year Quality class 2 Accuracy 2 meter Building_id Surface area: m2 Type: Building Name: Alterra-West Streetname: Droevendaalsesteeg House number: 3 Postcode: PB Town: Wageningen Source Municipality Wageningen Year Quality class 2 Accuracy 2 meter

29 Analogue products from TOPvector

30 Frisian and Dutch names

31 Use of colours at different maps
1:25,000 1:50,000 1:100,000 1:250,000 1:500,000 Black yes Red Blue Brown Violet




35 Designing the data-model and its structure the following user requirements are taken into account:
Object-oriented data-model with unique ID    More attribute Integration TOP10vector and TOP10roads Change-only data instead of a complete update Historical information will be available Meta-data on object level Distinction Landscape Model and Cartographic Model Seamless database, complete coverage of the Netherlands Scale less database Automatic generalisation Linkage with the present TOP10vector Linkage with other databases Standardised way of exchange of information

36 Topographic basic objects
Specific terrain element Road segment Water segment Building Railroad segment Terrain Functional area Het model onderscheid topografische basisobjecten en samengestelde objecten. De topografische basisobjecten zijn enkelvoudige objecten. Ze bevatten de beschrijvende gegevens. Geographic area Administrative area Conservation area

37  Topographic basic objects
Entity Road segment Railroad segmentl Water segment Building Terrain Ispecial terrain element/construction Administrative area Conservation area Geographic area Functional area

38 Objects with NAME attribute

39 Special polygon for geographical names

40 Object characteristics: wegdeel
Van alle entiteiten wordt een korte omschrijving gegeven. Indien noodzakelijk kunnen er nieuwe entiteiten, kenmerken en kenmerkwaarden worden toegevoegd aan de bestaande lijst. Inwinningscriteria, toelichtingen en definities van attributen voor de entiteiten zijn niet opgenomen in deze uitgave.

41 Shows attributes of an object

42 GML data visualised + attributes

43 Meta-information for each object

44 Comparison of urban areas

45 Comparison of rural areas; Germany (top) and the Netherlands 1:50 000

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