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Circulatory system 1. Circulatory system 2. Blood vascular system

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1 Circulatory system 1. Circulatory system 2. Blood vascular system
3. Blood vessels: a) Arteries; b) Veins; c) Microcirculatory bed 4. Lymphatics 5. Heart

2 Scheme of vessel’s wall 1
Scheme of vessel’s wall 1. Intima: a) endothelium; b) subendothelial layer 2. Media (sm. myocytes+ fibers) 3. Adventitia (loose con. tissue)

3 1. Intima: a) Endothelium; b) Subendothelial layer; c) Internal elastic lamina 2. Media (sm. myocytes+ fibers) 3. Adventitia (loose con. tissue+ vasa vasorum)

4 Elastic artery 1. Large endothelial cells 2
Elastic artery 1. Large endothelial cells 2. Subendothelial layer (myointimal cells) 3. Elastic fibers predominate

5 Muscular artery 1. Thin intima 2. Myocytes predominate 3
Muscular artery 1. Thin intima 2. Myocytes predominate 3. Internal elastic lamina well defined

6 Artery-vein 1. Thin wall 2. Bigger diameter (irregular shape) 3
Artery-vein 1. Thin wall 2. Bigger diameter (irregular shape) 3. Collagen fibers (laminas) 4. Adventitia thick 5. Walves

7 Microcirculatory bed

8 Capillary

9 Somatic capillary

10 Fenestrated capillary

11 Anastomoses AVA functions are the next: Types: typical+ nontypical
1.Regulation (correction) of the blood pressure. 2.Blood supplying of organs. 3.Venous blood saturation with oxygen. 4.Blood withdrawing from the depot. 5.Regulation of the tissues fluid passage to the venous bed. Types: typical+ nontypical

12 Lymphatic vessels

13 Lymphatic vessel

14 Heart

15 HEART Tunices: 1. Endocardium (endothelium, subendothelial layer, fibro-muscular and external connective tissue layer) 2. Myocardium (contractile and conductive myocytes) 3. Epicardium 4. Pericardium

16 Immune and hemopoietic organs
Hemopoietic organs classification. Сommon features of hemopoietic organs Red bone marrow Yellow and mucous bone marrow Involution of thymus Spleen Lymph nodes

17 Purkinje fibers

18 Hemopoietic organs Tonsilles Thymus Lymphatics Lymph nodes Spleen
Payer’s patches and lymphoid tissue of alimentary tract Appendix Bone marrow

19 Hemopoietic organs Central -antigenindependent Red bone marrow Thymus
Peripheral -antigendependent Spleen Lymph nodes MALT Appendices Peyer’s patches

20 General features 1. Origin - mesenchyme 3. Functions Hematopoiesis
2. Structure a. Stroma Reticular tissue Sinusoids Macrophages b. Parenchyma Myeloid tissue Lymphoid tissue 3. Functions Hematopoiesis Deposition Protective Elimination

21 Stromal cells Reticular cells Osteogenic cells Adipocytes
Adventitial cells Endothelial cells Macrophages

22 Parenchyma 4 types of hemopoietic islets: erythropoietic trombopoietic
granulocytopoietic agranulocytopoietic

23 Red bone marrow

24 Summary of erythrocyte maturation

25 Granulo-cyto-poiesis

26 Trombo-cyto-poietic islet

27 Thymus Functions 1.Antigen-independent proliferation of T-lymphocytes 2. Endocrine Stroma -- epithelio-reticular tissue Parenchyma -lymphoid tissue

28 MFU – lobule (cortex, medulla) Hematothymic barrier 1. Endothelium 2
MFU – lobule (cortex, medulla) Hematothymic barrier 1. Endothelium 2. Basement membrane 3. Epithelio-reticulocyte 4 Perivascular space with macrophages

29 Involution of thymus 1. Age involution 2. Accidental involution
Status timicolimphaticus

30 Spleen red pulp + white pulp

31 Spleenic blood circulation (opened and closed)


33 Lymph node

34 Lymph node cortex (follicles) +paracortex + medullary cords





39 Endocrine system 1. Neuro-endocrine-immune regulation.
2. Hormones and mechanisms of their activity. 3. Endocrine organs classification. 4. Central endocrine organs: а) hypothalamus; б) pituitary; в) epiphysis. 5.Peripheral endocrine glands: thyroid, parathyroid

40 Neuro-endocrine-immune regulation
Nerve system cytokins Liberins and statins neurotransmitters hormones Immune system Endocrine system corticoateroids

41 Endocrine glands hypothalamus epiphysis hypophisis thyroid gland
parathyroid glands thymus adrenal glands APUD-system pancreas kidney ovary testis placenta


43 Endocrine glands peculiarities 1. Stroma + parenchyma. 2
Endocrine glands peculiarities 1. Stroma + parenchyma. 2. Endocrine cells. 3. Ductless glands. 4. Well developed microcirculatory bed with fenestrated capillaries Hormones 1. Proteins derivatives 2. Especially active 3. Selective influence on “target-cells” Mechanisms of hormones activity 1. Cell membrane permeability changes 2. Activation of intracellular processes 3. Influence on the chromosomes

44 Central organs: hypothalamus, hypophysis, epiphysis
Parenchymal unites of endocrine glands 1. Lobule 2. Trabecula 3. Follicle Central organs: hypothalamus, hypophysis, epiphysis Peripheral glands: 1. Endocrine : а) pituitarydependent (thyroid; adrenal cortex); b) pituitaryindependent (parathyroid). 2. Mixed (mammary, testes, ovaries, Langerhans islets) 3. Diffuse endocrine system

45 Anterior hypothalamus (large cholinergic cells): а) supraoptical nuclei – antidiuretic hormone; b) paraventricular nuclei - oxytocin. Middle hypothalamus - 5 pares of nuclei (small adrenergic cells) (ventromedial, dorsomedial, arcuate, suprahiasmatic та preoptic zone)- relising factors (liberins and statins)

46 Hypothalamo-adenohypophysial system Hypothalamo-nerohypophysial system

47 Будова гіпофіза

48 Adenopituitary: trabecules 1
Adenopituitary: trabecules 1. Acidophils – somatotrophs- and mammotrophs. 2. Basophils – thyrotrophs and gonadotrophs. 3. Intermediate cells – adrenocorticotropocytes. 1. Melanotrophs 2. Lipotrophs Neuropituitary: pituicytes + axovasal synapses (Herrings bodies)

49 Epiphysis (pineal gland) lobules pinealocytes: light and dark + astrocytes
Corpora arenacea Parathyrocytes cords 4. Мікроанатомія систем органів 4.1. Серцево-судинна система 4.2. Система органів кровотворення 4.3. Ендокринна система 4.4. Система органів травлення 4.5. Дихальна система 4.6. Сечова система 4.7. Чоловіча статева система 4.8. Жіноча статева система 4.9. Нервова система 4.10. Система органів чуття 4.11. Система зовнішнього покриву Trabecules

50 Thyroid gland structural unit - follicle

51 Thyrocyte

52 Synthesis & Accumulation of Hormones by Follicular Cells
1. The uptake of circulating iodide is accomplished in the thyroid by a mechanism of active transport, using die iodide pump. 2. The synthesis of thyroglobulin in the rough endoplasmic reticulum, the addition of carbohydrate in the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi complex. 3. The release of thyroglobulin into the lumen of the follicle. 4. Activation of iodide in the colloid, in contact with the membrane of the apical region of the cells. 5. Hormone effusion to the bloodstream.

53 Parafollicular cells calcitoninocytes

54 Parathyroid glands

55 Parathyroid glands structural unit – cord (chief cells and oxyphilic cells)

56 Adrenal (suprarenal glands)

57 Adrenal gland

58 Cortex (adrenocorticocytes) Zona glomerulosa Zona fasciculata zona reticulosa
Medulla Epinephrocytes and norepinephrocytes


60 Adrenal glands

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