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The Rodrigues Report November 13, 2012

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1 The Rodrigues Report November 13, 2012
Reading: long o (stone, those, joke, shone, woke, rose) Sight Words: down, inside, there, now, together Amazing Words: enemy, extinct, protect, crater, holler, swamp, bluff, boisterous Math: number bonds; part/whole; subtraction; flat and three dimensional shapes Math Vocabulary: shapes Language: adjectives; proper nouns First Grade Rocks!!!!!!!!!! I have conferences at 7:45 and 11:35 each day. Just send a note to request a meeting. Please only allow children to bring toys to school when they receive a Fun Friday. These toys are the child’s responsibility. NO cell phones in carpool Homework must be returned the following morning in order to receive credit. Make sure that you are reading every night! Think Central and Successnet are both great, but not required, tools for learning. 8. flute 9. rude 10. mule

2 Wasn’t Isn’t It’ll They’ll She’ll Hasn’t He’ll Hadn’t Those Slope Doze Rode Cones Broke Tone hope Choke Smoke Top Rope Bone Joke Woke froze There Together Now Down inside

3 1. The tame horse can race. 2. Don made a face on paper. 3. A game will be on stage. 4. We had an old cage for sale. 5. Place the plate on the paper. 6. Dan could make fudge. 1. We saw the same horse win a race. 2. Don made a pig face on a paper bag. 3. It will be too late to go on stage. 4. Beth got an old dog cage at the sale. 5. We put the plate on a paper place mat. 6. Dan could make some fudge to sell. 1. The horse with the tan mane won the race. 2. Don made a paper bag mask with a pig face. 3. We will be too late to see the band on stage. 4. Beth had a sale to sell her old dog cage. 5. The plate looks good on the paper place mat. 6. Dan could sell all the fudge that Jan can make

4 Hints For Working At Home
Read to your child. Find things that they like. Let them read what they feel comfortable with; the library is a wonderful resource! Have your child use our Amazing Words in everyday life. The more the word is used, the better chance it has of becoming part of a child’s vocabulary. Research tells us that we fall short on standardized tests based on vocabulary and not on subject knowledge. Use the words! Children should write what they think. Work with your child on writing stories and thoughts. Keep a journal at home where your child can reflect on the day in just a couple of sentences. Emphasize meaning and handwriting. Sight words can easily become part of our automatic reading vocabulary by composing and decomposing them. Find them on menus, signs, food packaging, books you read. When children are aware of their learning they can own their learning!  Fun is key to learning! If a child is stressed there is not a positive correlation. Exercise and play will let your child feel refreshed and ready to learn. 

Wonderful Websites!

6 AR Pointers * I provide books on a daily basis for each child to use toward points. Each book a child plans to test on must be a book that the child can read INDEPENDENTLY. The test will not be read to them. I have worked very hard with the children on reading a book several times before they attempt an AR test. Several parents use the reading logs and AR logs that I have sent home. This is helpful for children who are reading a lot at home. Most of the books that our children are reading are only going to have five questions on the test. If a child misses one question their score is already an 80%; the percentage we much achieve to reach our goals is 85%. It’s very important to be quite familiar with the text being tested. Tests may only be taken at school. Goals are not set at random; they are calculated according to scores from the Star Test taken at the beginning of the quarter.

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