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Ellen Svendsen, section of the environment and sustainable development

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Presentation on theme: "Ellen Svendsen, section of the environment and sustainable development"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ellen Svendsen, section of the environment and sustainable development
Sustainable Tourism key framework Ellen Svendsen, section of the environment and sustainable development

2 Climate changes...

3 ...will affect every one of us ..

4 but the poorest will suffer the most

5 Action Plan for Environment in Development Cooperation

6 The Green Path to economic growth...

7 Cultural heritage taken out
Natural heritage and biodiversity - political priority Cultural heritage: the section of global cultural cooperation

8 Biodiversity –top priority
Sustainable management of biological diversity and natural resources Bilateral cooperation in Africa + Asia Multilateral through UNEP, UNDP, WB, amongst others Local implementation, local capacity building, improving living conditions and reducing vulnerability

9 Environmental programmes
Tanzania, Zambia, South-Africa, Ethiopia Evident implications for tourist industry - but not explicitly addressed

10 Zambia: Luangwa Valley

11 Madagascar project – UNESCO

12 NEW Project Nordic World Heritage Foundation
5 year programme for sustainable tourism Focus on Tanzania, Nepal and Mozambique Pre-project: identify already existing knowledge/successful programmes

13 Preparation - guidelines
Biodiversity hot spots North – South – South perspective Overview of all tourism relevant projects in which Norwegian embassies are involved Overview of relevant legislation, regulatory regimes, policy settings for involvment of private sector AIM: operational criteria /models –highlight success – stories and possible South – South transfers

14 CHALLENGES Ensure local economic growth
Cross – cutting issue: administrative challenges Communication/press Norwegian mfa: program oriented Clear, operational guidlines

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