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Good Learning and Teaching Practice With Regard to Disability

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1 Good Learning and Teaching Practice With Regard to Disability
Karen Burton and Sally Foister Study Support & Wellbeing Student Services

2 At the end of this session you will:
Have a greater understanding of disability as a protected characteristic and our legal responsibilities to make anticipatory and specific reasonable adjustments  Know the challenges presented by some disabilities and the anticipatory adjustments that can reduce these and improve student experience  Have increased knowledge of how reasonable adjustments are put in place at ARU and your responsibilities for these .

3 A person has a disability if—
they have a physical or mental impairment AND the impairment has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. Equality Act 2010

4 We must not: We must make:
The DDA makes it unlawful to discriminate against, harass or victimise a disabled person in relation to: admissions the provision of education access to benefits, facilities or services the conferment of qualifications Disability discrimination can occur when a disabled person is treated less favourably OR there has been a failure to make a ‘reasonable adjustment'. We must make: Reasonable adjustments to remove any substantial disadvantage Applies to: •provision, criteria or practice •physical features •auxiliary aids Anticipatory adjustments Anticipate potential needs and take positive proactive steps to enable full participation What is ‘reasonable’ is an objective question for the courts to ultimately determine.

5 2012/3 core students

6 Total students registered with service 1275
Not registered with service

7 Difference 'no known'/ SpLD
Change on previous year for SpLD Difference 'no known'/disability exc SpLD Change on previous for disability excl SpLD Assessment and feedback 9. Feedback on my work has helped me clarify things I did not understand. Academic support 10. I have received sufficient advice and support with my studies. 11. I have been able to contact staff when I needed to. 2 3 6 -1 7 8 -2 -4 -6 -9 -5 -8 NSS 2012? Drop in satisfaction with teaching, assessment and feedback and academic support – greater for disabled students. Dyslexic students improved.

8 Overall Satisfaction 22. Overall, I am satisfied with the quality of the course. 2013 Shortfall compared with no known disability 2012 % change Disability: No known disability 80 Disability: A specific learning difficulty (e.g. dyslexia, dyspraxia or AD(H)D) 76 -4 66 -14 10 Disability: Disability (excl a specific learning difficulty) 70 -10 78 -2 -8

9 Degree attainment (good honours results)
Degree attainment (good honours results) – students who declared a disability were overall less likely to achieve a good honours result (39%) than students who are not known to be disabled (45.4%). The attainment gap between disabled and non-disabled students is 6.4% at ARU compared to 2.2% nationally. Equality in higher education: statistical report 2013, Part 2: Students (published by Equality Challenge Unit, Nov 2013) The HEA NSS Analysis of national results for 2011


11 Anticipatory Adjustments
Legal duty to anticipate likely needs Take action in advance Likely to be of broad benefit Does not require you to cover every possible requirement Not responding to an assessed individual need May reduce need for individual arrangements

12 ACTIVITY 1 - Anticipatory Adjustments
Using the information sheets provided, consider the potential difficulties and challenges that students with a particular disability or condition can face. What practices could you adopt in your teaching and/or materials to minimise these challenges? Rate these for ease /speed of application (15 mins) Feedback (10 mins)

13 Reasonable Adjustments
Are specific to the needs of the individual Will be contained in a document (Summary of Reasonable Adjustments or SRA) Legal entitlement Responsibilities for implementing will fall to staff throughout ARU Likely to reduce the need for these as we increase our anticipatory adjustments

14 ACTIVITY 2 - Reasonable Adjustments –
a chance to reflect on your knowledge of procedures and responsibilities Work in groups/pairs but complete a personal copy of the quiz/reflective question sheets on your tables Use the sample Summaries of Reasonable Adjustments to help In your groups/pairs, agree 2 or 3 key thoughts/questions/concerns emerging from this (10 mins) Group to feedback on key thoughts (5 mins)

15 Activity 2 answers 1. Study Support Service (part of Student Services)
2. Faculty administrator 3. 25% extra time in exams; individual room for exams; lecture notes in advance; extended library loans; timetabling adjustments 4. Study Support Service. Note-taker; dyslexia tuition; reader/scribe in exams; mentor 5. False. If listed as a reasonable adjustment, extra time must be given to all timed assessments. 6. This aspect is complex as students have the right to confidentiality when they disclose but can also expect that all necessary adjustments are in place once these are made known to a single source. This complexity is reflected in the answers below Essentially this is false. We need to confirm the existence of a disability and the associated requirements before we recommend reasonable adjustments. Therefore, if a student tells you they are disabled you should refer/encourage them to the Study Support Service who will work with them to produce the summary of adjustments. False. The sharing of information is organised via the Study Support Service with specific consent from the student. True unless you believe that there is a genuine risk of harm to themselves or others. However, you should also stress (ideally in writing) that it is unlikely that their needs will be met if you cannot inform the people who are responsible for making specific adjustments. Reassure them that Study Support will advise and support them in the strictest confidence. False. You cannot ignore a disclosure even if you cannot take direct action. Always encourage the student to contact Study Support but you should also do this to discuss the situation. We can give general advice and you do not have to name the student. 7. False. Implementing anticipatory adjustments is likely to reduce the need specific adjustments and potentially the need for disclosure but it likely that individual arrangements will be necessary for some students. 8. False. The impact of such an injury is unlikely to be sufficiently ‘long-term’ (12 months or longer) that it would bring them within the legal definition of disability. Study Support may be able to arrange emergency measures such as exam arrangements but there is no legal duty to make reasonable adjustments in this situation.

16 Inclusive Teaching and Learning VLE Page
Student Services Staff Awareness Training Study Support Service: Ext 6700/6701 HEL333, Cambridge (inc. Young Street) Tindal 2nd Floor, Chelmsford Gui 107b, Peterborough Transcription Centre: Ext.3174

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