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Eugene Poolman RSMC Pretoria

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1 Eugene Poolman RSMC Pretoria
Southern African SWFDP (Severe Weather Forecasting Demonstration Project) Enhancing the early warning against weather extremes in Southern Africa Eugene Poolman RSMC Pretoria

2 The Concept of SWFDP Dramatic developments in weather forecasting science over the past decades Increasing gap in developing countries of application of modern forecasting technology (NWP, EPS) in early warnings WMO initiated SWFDP concept to reduce this gap and improve EWS in developing regions using existing technology; ?

3 Main Project Activities
First SWFDP sub-regional project in Southern Africa from Nov 2006 to Nov 2007 in 5 countries Involved 3 global centers, regional center and 5 national meteorological centers Included 2 annual training sessions for forecasters building capacity in advanced forecasting technology Success of demonstration project lead to rollout to all 16 Southern African countries from 2008 to 2010 Broadened hazards from heavy rain and strong wind to winter weather, high seas

4 Concept of Cascading Information
Global NWP centres to provide available NWP and EPS products, including in the form of probabilities; SWFDP: Concept of Cascading Information Regional centre interprets information from global centres, Prepare guidance forecasts for NMHSs, run limited-area model to refine products NMHSs issue alerts and warnings to Disaster Management and public

5 SA SWFDP Products Regional: RSMC Pretoria 5-day guidance daily
12 km UM LAM Additional MSG products Global: NOAA, ECMWF, Met Office NWP products EPS products SWFDP Web Portal National: NMCs of all Southern African countries Improved forecasting 5 day lead-time on warnings when needed Improved coordination with disaster management Feedback on NWP, EPS, guidance

6 Examples of EPS Products from Global Centers

7 Examples of Regional NWP
RSMC Pretoria: Unified Model SA12 RSMC La Reunion: Aladin 10km

8 Examples of SWFDP Guidance Products from RSMC Pretoria
RSMC prepares guidance every day for the next 5 days Hazards include heavy rain, strong wind, high seas and swell, severe winter weather (snow, cold) Guidance info made available through dedicated webpage


10 Example: Tropical Cyclone Favio
TC Favio caused widespread damage over Mozambique and Zimbabwe from Feb 2007 It provided the opportunity to test the SWFDP cascading process It contributed to the lessons learned in the demonstration period

11 Improving the Lead-time of Warnings

12 Impact of Tropical Cyclone Favio
The model guidance correctly indicated landfall 5 days in advance where, and movement towards Zimbabwe Both Mozambique and Zimbabwe’s NMCs issued warnings 5 days in advance to disaster management departments Mozambique: Provinces were put on alert levels 2 to 3 days in advance The public responded well and major loss of live were prevented Zimbabwe: Public received early warnings by radio, TV and newspapers 5 days in advance

13 Other Tropical Cyclone examples



16 Lessons from Southern African SWFDP
It proved that the technology gap can be effectively bridged through a practical, operational approach SWFDP was successful because: Its simplicity and operational focus (NMSs only needed internet) It took the autonomy of countries in Southern Africa into account – nothing was imposed, they issue warnings according to their own criteria It had direct benefit and participation of each role-player It built capacity that could be directly used in an operational environment by all countries involved Southern African SWFDP was successful in building the forecasting capacity and closing the technological gap Comment from a disaster manager: “I can see the increase in confidence of the forecasters…”

17 Challenges and Future Related to TIGGE
Emphasized the challenge of forecasting convective storms by NWP and EPS These are the systems causing havoc particularly in tropical and sub-tropical regions = need for new products? Looking forward The need for keeping EWS in Southern Africa current with new developments New technology: TIGGE GIFS, FFGS, etc New applications : End-users, Disaster Management Working towards multi-model EPS: TC tracks,etc Working towards regional specific EPS products (thresholds, etc) Keep in mind: research capacity is limited to few countries in the region




21 Thank you

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