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All About Lions By: sophia.

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Presentation on theme: "All About Lions By: sophia."— Presentation transcript:

1 All About Lions By: sophia

2 Table of contents Body pg 3 Habitat pg 4 Food pg 5 Life cycle pg 6
Fun facts pg 7 Resourses pg 8 Good bye pg 9

3 BODY Lions are large wild cats. They weigh about 500 pounds(230 kilograms) lions have light brown fur. Male lions have manes around their necks.

4 Start mouse click habitat Lions live in africa and asia in groups called prides. They mainly live in areas called savannas. They hunt in tall grasses and rest under shady trees.

5 food Lions eat zebras, warthogs, wildbeests, and gazells. F lions hunt in groups. They surround their pray and attack. They share the food with the pride.

6 Life cycle F lions give birth to two four babies at a time. Young lions are called cubs. In the wild , lions live about 12 to years.

7 Fun Facts Lions are large wild cats that live together in groups. Lions can jump forward up to 40 feet (12 meters). Lions rest between 18 and hours a day. The pride the largest adult males protect the pride. Their hairy manes make them look strong and fierce.

8 Recourses library Google wikipedia Zoo books Pebble go
Groiler online passport

9 Lion pictures

10 Good bye

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