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Religion in Ireland ;).

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1 Religion in Ireland ;)

2 The Roman Catholic Church remains the largest religious community in Ireland (around 87% of the population is Catholic), and participation in religious practices is the highest in Europe, although in recent years began to decline drastically. Second largest Christian community in Ireland are members of the Church of Ireland. Church of Ireland is one of the two religions (Hinduism is the second) recording the growth of followers.

3 The patrons: Saint Patrick - (born about , 461 died on March 17 in Armagh) - bishop and apostle of Ireland, the holy Catholic Church and the Orthodox missionary and organizer of religious life in Ireland. Saint Brigid of Kildare - (born about , died about 524) - a virgin, foundress of double monastery at Kildare (one of the oldest in Ireland), holy Catholic Church.

4 According to data made ​​in % of Irish people said they believe in God, 22% to the belief in an unspecified higher power, 4% zdeklarowało lack of faith, and 1% did not want or could not be clarified.        Until the early 90s Twentieth century, the Roman Catholic Church enjoyed universal authority and a very big influence on politics, media and education in the country. Divorce, homosexual acts, abortion, contraception and sex education in schools was prohibited by law. The Irish public has come to be internally differentiated, and religion began to be displaced by consumerism, privatization of the world and new world views        In addition, as a result of disclosure of legal and financial scandals and sex crimes committed by some Catholic clergy (including bishops), as well as public hiding by the hierarchy of these cases, the authority of the Church in Irish society was very much shaken. Over 2/3 of Irish is of the opinion that the Church has failed and lost his moral authority.

5 Sources: Prezentacje wykonała :
Natalia Skibińska z klasy 2b.

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