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Native American Tribes & Regions: An Overview

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1 Native American Tribes & Regions: An Overview
Actual tribe content created by “Powerful Social Studies” of East Greenbush, NY, who thoughtfully shared it for free on the Teachers Pay Teachers website.

2 This slideshow gives you some basic information about many Native American tribes.
It’s only purpose is to help you choose a tribe to research. It is not to be used as a resource for your report because there are no information sources cited. Underlined tribes are on your project list. You may only choose from these tribes.

3 Eastern Woodland: Location
Along the East Coast East of of the Mississippi River into Canada

4 Eastern Woodland: Tribes
Adena Hopewell Lenape Iroquois Shawnee Cherokee Chippewa Cree Seminole Wampanoag

5 Eastern Woodland: Environment
Many lakes Rivers Great forests

6 Eastern Woodland: Housing
Wigwam Longhouse Built from woven sticks, bark, wood, mud, clay, sand Longhouse: multi-family

7 Eastern woodland: Food
Hunter-Gatherers Cultivated (grew) crops eventually Hunted deer, rabbits, squirrels Grew Corn, Beans, and Squash (3 Sisters) together. Tribes near water ate fish, oysters, clams

8 Eastern Woodland: Religion
Belief in “Great Spirit” Creation stories

9 The Plains: Location In “Great Plains” of North America east of Rocky Mountains, West of Mississippi

10 The Plains: Tribes Blackfoot Cheyenne Crow Sioux
Nomads-followed buffalo herd

11 The Plains: Environment
Lacked forests Major rivers and streams Very flat grasslands

12 The Plains: Housing Lived in tipis made from buffalo hide and sticks
Housing had to be mobile since they were nomads-moved with their food!

13 The Plains: Food Almost exclusively relied on buffalo for food and weapons Some tribes in the east (by the Mississippi) grew maize (corn), beans, and tobacco

14 The Plains: Religion Similar beliefs everywhere
Practiced Sun Dance to thank spirits

15 Pacific Northwest: Location
Northwest coast of North America Bound by Rocky Mountains to the east

16 Pacific Northwest: Tribes
Nez Perce Haida Chinook Makah

17 Pacific Northwest: Environment
Richest of all regions Thick forests, big cedar trees and rivers with lots of fish Sea life

18 Pacific Northwest: Housing
Built big houses of longhouses the contained several families. Built from very sturdy and strong cedar trees

19 Pacific Northwest: Food
Great supply of fish (salmon) Seals Otters Whales Not much agriculture due to plenty of sea life

20 Pacific Northwest: Religion
Made totem poles to tell stories of earth creation OR family or tribe history Worshiped spirits of ancestors

21 Desert Southwest: Location
Southwest of North America into Northern Mexico and Central America

22 Desert Southwest: Tribes
Hopi Anasazi (Ancient Pueblo) Pueblo Yuma Pima Mojave Navajo Apache

23 Desert Southwest: Environment
Mostly desert Little rainfall (mostly) Mineral wealth Great forests Fertile valleys

24 Desert Southwest: Housing
Hopi and Anasazi built adobe (mud brick) homes or cliff-side homes Some nomadic Hunter gather tribes lived in tipis like the plains

25 Desert Southwest: Food
Varies by tribe Anasazi practiced subsistence farming (just enough to survive)/mostly maize (CORN), and hunted deer, rabbit, and squirrel Farming tribes grew a variety of crops, but a lot of maize (CORN). Nomad tribe raided others for survival

26 Desert Southwest: Religion
Practiced Animism (spirits in nature) like other groups Used Kachina dolls to teach the young about spirits

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