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Classroom Commands French I.

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom Commands French I."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom Commands French I

2 Classroom Commands French English Asseyez-vous Levez-vous
Ecoutez et repetez apres moi Prenez une feuille de papier Sit down Stand up Listen and repeat after me Take out a sheet of paper

3 Classroom Commands- La Suite (Continued)
French English Allez au tableau Regardez (la carte) Retournez a vos places Ouvrez vos livres a la page Fermez vos cahiers Go to the board Look (at the map) Go back to your seats Open your books to page Close your notebooks

4 Student Responses French English Monsieur/ Madame/ Mademoiselle
Je ne comprends pas. Repetez, s’il vous plait. Qu’est-ce que ca veut dire? Sir/ Ma’am/ Miss I don’t understand. Could you please repeat that? What does that mean?


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