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Year 7 French Homework Mme Janickyj

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1 Year 7 French Homework Mme Janickyj


3 Devoirs… C’est quoi en anglais?
Vocabulary Learning - - Learn the vocabulary by heart – to spell and to say out loud for a writing test next week. Detail is on the Homework Hub Devoirs… C’est quoi en anglais? Can you recall some French sounds? Can you create a phonetic bubbles to support you with the tricky letters of the alphabet? Can you introduce yourself, spell your name, say how you are and ask questions? (T6)

4 Creative On A4 paper, either draw/print or cut out a picture of two of your favourite cartoon characters / actors / actresses / singers Imagine they meet for the first time – write a dialogue of how they greet one another and ask how they are. Vocabulary Learning - -secure the vocabulary we covered in class this week (alphabet pronunciation and how to ask questions) Detail is on the Homework Hub

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