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Tangled Web: Using Deception in Defense

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1 Tangled Web: Using Deception in Defense

2 Help | About 25+ years with a Fortune 50 (Opinions are my own...)
Developer - PL/1, C/C++, Smalltalk, Java, Python... Security secure coding, web app pentesting, consulting, architecture IANAL – I didn’t tell you to do it! 2

3 “In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.” Winston Churchill -- Sun Tzu – 500 BC “All warfare is based upon deception” Warfare: Strategy and tactics refined by military history and translated to cyber... Web sites can be globally targeted. Rule of Law not in force due to lack of legal authority & enforcement In 2016, Gartner predicted, By 2018, Gartner predicts that 10 percent of enterprises will use deception tools and tactics, and actively participate in deception operations against attackers. 3

4 Deception Goals Adversaries Disguise Distract Disturb
Defensive – Provoke an Action Detect Prevent Respond 4

5 Once upon a time Deception is story telling Know your adversary
Appear weak where strong Appear strong where weak 5

6 To tell the truth Facts: Revelations Concealment Fictions
Advertise your deception? 6

7 Attacker identification
Browser fingerprinting Tools, Techniques, Procedures (TTPs) Request & Response times Tracking interactions 7

8 Tailor responses (Human)
I see y’all! – Stop it! Entangle Slow down Break down Log out Block 8

9 Tailor Responses (Botnet)
CAPTCHA Entangle Slow down Break down Disinform Log out – NOT 9

10 Traps Decoys Tripwires Mazes Mantraps 10

11 Walk into my parlor robots.txt Admin = false Hidden field
encrypted=YWRtaW49ZmFsc2U= URL variable Cookies ProductID = 345 Clown Spider 11

12 Triggered Admin app Hardened server One-way trip
Secure (except for...) 12

13 Tarpit Blind SQL injection – forged data Noisy Slow Slower
Maze – http tarpit Other vulnerabilities that Consume resources Provides tracking 13

14 A good story Attracts attention to reveals
Deflects attention from conceals Confirms Red's expectations Keeps Red's interest Feedback Loop: monitor Red Team actions 14

15 Questions 15

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