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Who wants to be a millionaire ?

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Presentation on theme: "Who wants to be a millionaire ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Who wants to be a millionaire ?
By Shivali Mehta

2 Which layer of the earth has solid iron and nickel ?
Inner core Outer Core Mantle Crust

3 What two ways can sediment harden rocks?
Pressure and cementing Heat and stoning Lightning Cementing

4 What is the theory of the plate tectonics? u
What the plate tectonics are made up of None of the above How they form How and why the plates move

5 What plate was connected to Australia?
South American plate African Plate North American plate Juan de Fuca

6 What does Limestone change into when it is under heat and pressure?
Shale Marble All of the above Slate

7 What was Lava when it was underground?
magma Lava Ash Rocks

8 When the continents started to drift what happened to the glossopteris and the mesosaurus?
They moved away They died out They turned to fossils All of the above

9 What are two of the poisonous gases volcanoes have?
C02 and Sulfur H2o and Co2 Co2 and O2 O2 and H2o

10 What happens when a person has hypothermia?
It gets to a high level Their body heat gets to a low level It gets high blood pressure It freezes

11 How does rust form? When pressure links up with iron When rust burns?
When Co2 and Iron link up When it stays itself

12 What part of the lithosphere touches the atmosphere
Upper Part Lower Part None of the above Middle

13 What are Quartz Crystals made of ?
CO2 O2 Water Silicon dioxide

14 Why are properties important
They help us sneeze They help us identify the differences in objects It helps us identify chemicals It helps us sleep

15 Why is a wet avalanche more dangerous than a powder one?
A wet one has more snow A powder one has less snow A wet one carries boulders and trees They both are dangerous

16 How can rainwater change minerals in the rocks?
It can link with other minerals It can melt It can dissolve It dissolves and link up with other minerals

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