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Exam preparation: ISB 2016.

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1 Exam preparation: ISB 2016

2 Exam – What is it? Measurement of retrieval skills under set conditions (focused question/ enquiry, set period of time, no external access/ support, dictated context). Retrieval process accessing memory to select, synthesize, manipulate, prune and transfer relevant information to address a question. An exam explores knowledge, understanding and skills learned over an extended period of time (semester/ year/ two years). An exam is not an intelligence test or a test of overall knowledge/ understanding.

3 ISB exams – Critical learning outcomes
Developing effective revision practices. Improving memorization and recall skills. Developing analytical reading and planning skills under timed conditions. Being succinct and focused with answer. Strengthening post examination reflection. Preparation for success in DP exams. Ensuring self efficacy. Mention AJ – science results – good but fortunate with question. (post exam reflection) Isabella (past papers) – self efficacy Informs teachers about students’ exam practices – general analysis but students need to follow through with specific areas of uncertainty and once clarified practice it.

4 Effective revision practices
Occur during the learning in the quarter. Revision is the recap and reinforcement of known/ understood material – not learning material. Is a scheduled program to ensure sufficient time, practice and repetition for proficiency/ mastery. Employing various effective memorization strategies for exam conditions. Means being familiar with exam formats.

5 The memory pathway

6 The limitation of the working memory

7 Edgar Dale – 1946 – Nonsensical statistics added.
Short powerful and engaging lecture followed by active reading has been shown to have impact upon retention. Audio Visual – Aylan Kurdi – powerful image about horrors of migrant journey. Multi-module approach most effective.

8 Storage and retrieval activity


10 Storage and retrieval by association (grade 5)

11 Chunking/ Associative
Creating a narrative or a way for connecting items helps improve retention and recall. Try to see recall ability when placed as below. External items:  Butterfly, plant, rainbow, kite, airplane, globe Food items: Ice cream, cake, apple Room items: Computer, chair, pencil, clock, guitar House items: House, telephone, light globe, lock, scissors, hammer

12 Improving storage and retrieval
Least effective: Highlighting, rereading text, key word mnemonic (trigger points), image use of text learning (depending on how undertaken), and summarization (depending on how it is undertaken). Moderate: Elaborate interrogation (issue with levels of prior knowledge), and self explanation (explaining choices about learning). Most: Practice testing (previous tests/ exams, flash cards, completing practice problems). Distributed practice (opposite of cramming). Revisiting material over time delay, and perhaps revising through different practices (auditory, visual, kinesthetic, etc.) Multi sensory, multi module and associative – brain does not store information in neat files – spread out and therefore the greater variety and stronger the associations the easier the retrieval. Placing post-its on wall; mind maps; reading material on MP3 and listening/ trying to guess what is next; creating a song; play acting the learning; associating with taste or smell; creating a story or linking to own memory; group study sessions; discussions about topics; teaching it to someone who knows topic, etc.

13 Aspects that improve exam preparation
Sleep and rest is critical. Exercise releases dopamine and reduction of stress/ anxiety; increases energy and self-confidence, and allows for better moods and sleep. Routine allows for greater self-control and minimizing potential attractive distractions. Organization of material into clearly designated units/ folders. Avoid distractions (i.e., electronic equipment, views, etc.), and ensure tidy desk and good lighting. Avoid electronics immediately after revising. Listen to your body/ mind. If wavering, stop! Mention AJ every minutes. Distractions – fractured attention, no such thing as multi-tasking when it involves cognition.

14 Reasons for poor retrieval
Poor understanding before and during revision process. Distractions during revising process. Physical/ emotional state - tiredness, preoccupied with other material issues, stressed. Poor learning/ revision strategies. Not enough review of work. Disorganized. In essence, the student has control over all these factors and therefore if they are proactive in following guidance (of this ppt. and revision guidance booklet) and seek support as needed, they should be able to perform at their optimum in the exams. Maxim: Learn, revise, review (knowledge, storage, retrieval, understanding).

15 Questions Booklet (cover below) to be sent to all students.

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