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Simple Fun Modeling with SQL Server

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Presentation on theme: "Simple Fun Modeling with SQL Server"— Presentation transcript:

1 Simple Fun Modeling with SQL Server

2 Dane Schilling Father Husband Headspringer

3 Agenda What Why How Demo

4 What Defined Entity-relationship modeling is a relational schema database modeling method, used in software engineering to produce a type of conceptual data model (or semantic data model) of a system, often a relational database, and its requirements in a top-down fashion.

5 The Real What Data isn’t always fancy. In its infancy a data model should be simple, but done correctly it should age like a fine wine.

6 The Why Data modeling is what sets the stage for any application or report. With the right model in place we ensure we are on course for success.

7 How Defined Two standard approaches. Top-Down Bottom-Up

8 Top-Down Top-down logical data models are created in an abstract way by getting information from people who know the subject area. A system may not implement all the entities in a logical model, but the model serves as a reference point or template.

9 Bottom-Up Bottom-up models or View Integration models are often the result of a reengineering effort. They usually start with existing data structures forms, fields on application screens, or reports. These models are usually physical, application-specific, and incomplete from an enterprise perspective. They may not promote data sharing, especially if they are built without reference to other parts of the organization.

10 The Real How For me data modeling is a hands on process. You will get your hands dirty and you will get it wrong at times. In my opinion, getting things wrong is the best way to learn.

11 Context

12 Demo

13 Link to repo: https://github
Link to repo: Applications/Nuget mentioned: - Highcharts - RoundhousE - StructureMap - Mediatr

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