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ARDS - Management By H P Shum Sept 2005
ARDS - Definition Bilateral acute lung infiltration Hypoxemia
No clinical evidence of elevated left atrial pressure or PAWP <=18mmHg Differentiated from Acute lung injury by PaO2/FiO2 <300mmHg ARDS was first described in 1967, diagnosis was based on following criteria…
ARDS - pathophysiology
Formation of protein-rich alveolar edema after damage to the integrity of the lung’s alveolar-capillary barrier Can be initiated by physical or chemical injury or by extensive activation of innate inflammatory responses The development of ARDS started with …
ARDS - Causes Sepsis or SIRS Severe traumatic injury
Massive transfusion Near drowning Smoke inhalation Drug overdose (commonly TCA) The commonest causes of ARDS including ..
ARDS – physiological derangement
Ventilation-perfusion mismatch Intrapulmonary shunt Surfactant inactivation leading to atelectasis Decreases lung compliance (stiff lung) Physiological changes were characterized by …
This diagram illustrate cellular …
These events include endothelial activation, recruitment of inflammatory cells, activation of coagulation, and inhibition of fibrinolysis
ARDS - imaging CXR showed bilateral diffuse infiltration, normal CTR
CXR can be normal early of the course but become complete whiteout within short time CT scan showed diffuse ground glass opacification with consolidation at most dependent area of the lung
ARDS – ventilator setting
Tidal volume PEEP Use of specific ventilation modalities Almost all the patients with ARDS required some form of mechanical ventilation I will talk about the ventilator setting first, which will cover tidal volume and PEEP setting …
ARDS – ventilator setting
Low tidal volume Mortality benefit mainly based on two studies Most authorities will suggested the use of low TV …
Effect of a protective-ventilation strategy on mortality in the acute respiratory distress syndrome
Amato MB et al. N Engl J Med Feb 5;338(6):347-54 N=53 Conventional ventilation Lowest possible PEEP TV 12ml/kg Aim normal PaCO2 Protective ventilation PEEP above the lower inflection point on the static pressure–volume curve TV <6ml/kg driving pressures < 20 cm of water above the PEEP value permissive hypercapnia Amato published the study in NEJM in 1998 … Survival curves clearly separate between protected and conventional ventilation gps
Ventilation with lower tidal volumes as compared with traditional tidal volumes for acute lung injury and the acute respiratory distress syndrome. The Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Network N Engl J Med 2000 May 4;342(18):1301-8 N=861 Traditional gp TV 12ml/kg plateau pressure <=50mmH2O Low TV gp TV 6ml/kg plateau pressure <=30mmH2O Another landmark study was from ARDS network published in 2000… Low TV gp have better survival c/w … Also with high chance to be d/c and short ventilator days
But …. Not all studies using low TV ventilation give rise to good outcome compare with conventional ventilation methods
Stewart TE et al. N Engl J Med 1998 Feb 5;338(6):355-61
Evaluation of a ventilation strategy to prevent barotrauma in patients at high risk for acute respiratory distress syndrome. Pressure- and Volume-Limited Ventilation Strategy Group Stewart TE et al. N Engl J Med 1998 Feb 5;338(6):355-61 N =120 Limited ventilation gp TV 8ml/min Plateau pressure <30mmH2O Conventional gp TV 10-15ml/kg Plateau pressure <50mmH2O This study published in 1998 … There are not significant different between risk of barotrauma … However, this study is criticized by other investigators because the TV used is not very low
Recommendation Important to avoid over-distension of alveoli in the relatively normal parts of lung start at 6-7 ml/kg predicted BW (to maintain plateau pressure <30 cm H2O) allow PCO2 to rise slowly (i.e. giving kidneys time to compensate for respiratory acidosis), aim to keep pH > 7.25 (instead of aiming for a target PCO2, but advisable not to allow Pco2 to rise above 20 kPa) Allow upper limit of RR to 35 bpm Use sedation if needed So, the recommendation is to avoid…
Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)
Insufficient PEEP may result in: alveolar derecruitment cyclical atelectasis progressive lung injury refractory hypoxemia What about PEEP setting… PEEP can improve oxygenation in ARDS because … Insufficient PEEP can result in… Optimal PEEP allow stable opening of alveoli but further increasing PEEP resulting into…
Excessive PEEP, particularly in combination with hypovolemia, can decrease cardiac output and oxygen delivery, and increase the risk of barotrauma Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2002 Apr 1;165(7):978-82 Clear delineation of Rt heart border … Deep sulci sign
Continuous diaphragm sign
CT scan showed Severe surgical emphysema and pneumomediasteum
What PEEP level is good for ARDS? High vs low ….
Amato study using low TV 6ml/kg with high PEEP (average >16mmH2O) showed improved mortality However …
Higher versus lower positive end-expiratory pressures in patients with the acute respiratory distress syndrome Brower RG et al. N Engl J Med 2004 Jul 22;351(4):327-36 N=549 low PEEP gp 8.3mmH2O High PEEP gp 13mmH2O A study published recently in NEJM provided another view There are no survival benefit for using high PEEP The ventilator free days and risk of barotrauma do not have any significant different between gps
PEEP setting Optimal PEEP will change from patient to patient, based in different pathophysiology and depending upon the stage and severity of the disease no optimal way to assess "best PEEP" PEEP is added in increments of 2-5 cm until the "best/optimal PEEP" is obtained, choose the level which provides the highest static compliance and the lowest airway plateau pressure PEEP above lower inflection point on static P-V curve PEEP > 20 cmH2O is rarely beneficial and usually results in additional pressure-induced lung injury Level of PEEP used in ARDS still controversial
Recruitment maneuvers
utilizing a CPAP of 35 to 40 cmH20 for 40 seconds can improve oxygenation and alveolar recruitment, but are relatively less effective than a continuous high PEEP level Intensive Care Med 2000 May;26(5):501-7 Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2002 Jan 15;165(2):165-70 Recruitment maneuvers were commonly used in pt with ARDS … It seem that appropriate PEEP setting is more important in ARDS tx
Ventilator modes fully supported modes of ventilation are favored over partially-supported modes There is not mortality benefit for ARDS pt treated with specific ventilator modes
Inverse ratio ventilation (IRV)
I:E ratio > 1 may be able to improve oxygenation in patients who remain hypoxic despite PEEP But … A lot of negative studies a/v showed that IRV do not had survival benefit Anesthesiology Nov;95(5):1182-8 Anesthesiology Jan;88(1):35-42 Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1997 May;155(5): increases the risk of air trapping, barotrauma, hemodynamic instability require significant sedation and possibly neuromuscular blockade which may increase ICU stay and risk of critical illness neuromyopathy Inverse ratio ventilation with I:E …
Prone ventilation Indications:
routine use of prone positioning in all patients with ALI / ARDS cannot be currently recommended due to a lack of clinical data support Indications: as an adjunctive therapy to improve oxygenation in established ALI and ARDS considered in patients who require PEEP >12 cmH2O and a FiO2 >0.60 should better used early within 36 hours of the onset of ARDS optimum duration unknown Prone ventilation was commonly used in pt with ARDS with severe hypoxemia
The proposed mechanism for prone ventilation including improved …
CT images of ARDS in supine (upper panel ), prone (middle panel ), and return to supine position (lower panel ). The CTs were taken at end expiration and 10 cm H2O PEEP. Note how gravity-dependent densities shift from dorsal to ventral within minutes when the patient is turned prone
Most previous studies showed improved oxygenation with between PaO2/ FiO2 ratio
Effect of prone positioning on the survival of patients with acute respiratory failure
Gattinoni L et al. N Engl J Med 2001 Aug 23;345(8):568-73 N =304 Multicenter RCT tx gp prone >=6h/d 10d control gp supine What about survival benefit ?…
Guerin C et al. JAMA 2004 Nov 17;292(19):2379-87
Effects of systematic prone positioning in hypoxemic acute respiratory failure: a randomized controlled trial Guerin C et al. JAMA 2004 Nov 17;292(19): N=791 propective, unblinded, multicenter RCT prone gp > = 8hr /d control gp supine
Prone ventilation had potential complication for those on sedation…
It is also contraindicated in those with …
Airway pressure release ventilation (APRV)
lung volume and hence oxygenation is maintained by continuous positive airway pressure CO2 clearance is achieved by the transient release of circuit pressure allowing gas to escape and lung volume to fall CPAP is then re-established to the previous level, allowing the entry of fresh gas into the system
Intensive Care Med 2002 Oct;28(10):1426-33
This study was published in 1994… showed the improvement of P/F ratio Also resulted in significant improvement in the cardiac index, systemic haemodynamic, O2 delivery, and vasopressor requirement and renal perfusion Crit Care 2001 Aug;5(4):221-6 Intensive Care Med 2002 Oct;28(10):
Putensen C et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2001 Jul 1;164(1):43-9
Long-term effects of spontaneous breathing during ventilatory support in patients with acute lung injury Putensen C et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2001 Jul 1;164(1):43-9 determine whether use of APRV with spontaneous breathing better prevents deterioration of cardiopulmonary function N = 30, MV trauma pt at risk of ARDS PCV vs APRV for 72 hr, cross over study This study published in 2001 try to determine .. Cardiac index and P/F ratio ..
Sample size is small.
Still an experimental strategies and long term outcome still no clear
High frequency ventilation
High frequency ventilation proposed as an alternate form of lung protective ventilation that could theoretically prevent overdistension and cyclical atelectasis lung inflated and kept open with very low tidal volumes and low airway pressure, aimed to produce minimal shear injury
Three modes of HFV a/v with different operation mechanism but tx principle are the same
However … Risks of barotrauma and hemodynamic compromise with high frequency ventilation can approximate those of conventional ventilation Chest 1993 May;103(5): In theory, CV give had higher TV but may had suboptimal oxygenation with low PEEP. As PEEP increased, CV carry increased risk of volutrauma which do not occur in HFV By alternating CV breath with HFV breath, FRC and oxygenation can be improved with lower risk of volutrauma
High-frequency ventilation versus conventional ventilation for treatment of acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome Wunsch H et al. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2004;(1):CD004085 only include RCT =2 one recruit children, n =58 other recruit adult, n =148 ? Any clinical evidence to support use of HFOV insufficient evidence to support the broad application of HFV to all patient with ALI / ARDS insufficient evidence to support the broad application of HFV to all patient with ALI / ARDS
Inhaled vasodilator Nitric oxide vs prostacyclin
Act locally and short half life Minimal systemic effect Rarely cause hypotension Now, we go to non-ventilation tx for ARDS
Effects of inhaled nitric oxide in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome: results of a randomized phase II trial. Inhaled Nitric Oxide in ARDS Study Group Dellinger RP et al. Crit Care Med 1998 Jan;26(1):15-23 Prospective, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study N = 177 placebo vs NO at 1.25, 5, 20, 40, or 80 ppm responsive if PaO2 >=20% PaO2 improved on first 4 hrs of tx Percentage of pt who alive and off MV at D28 In view of potential benefit of NO at 5ppm dosage … another study was conducted and …
Taylor RW et al. JAMA 2004 Apr 7;291(13):1603-9
Low-dose inhaled nitric oxide in patients with acute lung injury: a randomized controlled trial Taylor RW et al. JAMA 2004 Apr 7;291(13):1603-9 Multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled study, triple blinded n = 385 placebo vs NO 5ppm to 28d
nitric oxide produce toxic radicals
NO2 and methemoglobin concentrations may increase immunosuppressant properties that theoretically could increase the risk of nosocomial infection cause DNA strand breakage and base alterations that are potentially mutagenic
Prostacyclin (PG I2) improve PaO2 and decrease PAP
No study shown improvement of mortality associated with prostacyclin use in ARDS inhaled vasodilators, if used at all, should be reserved for patients with intractable, life-threatening hypoxemia despite conventional management
Function of endogenous surfactant
modulate alveolar surface tension prevent atelectasis facilitates mucous clearance scavenges oxygen radicals suppresses inflammation Surfactant dysfx occur in ARDS and in theory exogenous surfactant can offer helps Surfactant dysfx is one of the characteristic of ARDS…
Treatment of acute respiratory distress syndrome with recombinant surfactant protein C surfactant
Spragg RG et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2003 Jun 1;167(11):1562-6 N=40 high dose (1ml 4x in 24 hr) low dose (0.5ml 4x in 24 hr) control No significant improvement of PaO2/FiO2, no different between ventilator free days and pt survival
Spragg RG et al. N Engl J Med 2004 Aug 26;351(9):884-92
Effect of recombinant surfactant protein C-based surfactant on the acute respiratory distress syndrome Spragg RG et al. N Engl J Med 2004 Aug 26;351(9):884-92 multicenter, randomized, double-blind trials N = 448 1ml 4x in 24hr for tx gp Outcome may be affected by mode of delivery of surfactant, duration of use and accompanying ventilator setting and further study required to delineate it use in ARDS Improvement of PaO2/FiO2 but no survival benefit was detected
Partial liquid ventilation
involves filling the lungs with a fluid (perfluorocarbon, also called Liquivent or Perflubron) which has very low surface tension, similar to surfactant high density, oxygen readily diffuses through it may have some anti-inflammatory properties The lungs are filled with the liquid, the patient is then ventilated with a conventional ventilator using a protective lung ventilation strategy. Liquid will help the transport of oxygen to parts of the lung that are flooded and filled with debris, help remove this debris and open up more alveoli improving lung function.
All of them are case report, some indicate beneficial outcome in true of improved survival and oxygenation but negative reports present as well Larger studies are needed to determine what role, if any, PLV will play in the treatment of ARDS
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)
withdrawing arterial or venous blood, passing it through a membrane oxygenator, and returning it to the arterial circulation Very expensive and survival benefit still in doubt JAMA 1979 Nov 16;242(20):2193-6 Crit Care Med 1994 Oct;22(10):
Steroids clearly have a role in situations when ARDS has been precipitated by a steroid-responsive process, eg eosinophilic pneumonia Other cases, efficacy not clear May be useful in fibroproliferative phase of ARDS, which is characterized by fever, purulent secretions, and new pulmonary infiltrates without evidence of infection Chest 1991 Oct;100(4):943-52 Chest 1994 May;105(5): But other even showed increased risk of ARDS and infective complications Arch Surg 1985 May;120(5):536-40 Preliminary results of a large, randomized, controlled trial, performed by the NIH-sponsored ARDSNET presented in ATS May 2004, suggest no mortality advantage when patients with later phase ARDS are treated with steriod
Prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) enhance oxygen delivery by increasing cardiac output Chest 1990 Aug;98(2):405-10 Chest 1990 Mar;97(3):684-92 Crit Care Med 1999 Aug;27(8): significant survival advantage at 30 days Ann Surg 1986 Apr;203(4):371-8 However, subsequent trials failed to confirm this effect Chest 1989 Jul;96(1):114-9 the role of PGE1 remains uncertain pending further study
Neutrophil elastase inhibitor
Neutrophil elastase produces tissue injury at sites of inflammation play a role in the endothelial injury and increased vascular permeability associated with acute lung injury Selevelestat (ONO 5046) is a reversible competitive inhibitor of neutrophil elastase, and early animal and human studies suggested this agent improved outcomes following acute lung injury Crit Care Med 2002 May;30(5 Suppl):S281-7 Eur J Pharmacol 2004 Mar 19;488(1-3):173-80 Transpl Int 2003 May;16(5):341-6 However, multicenter RCT of 492 MV pts with ALI treated with selevestat or placebo found no difference between groups in 28-day all cause mortality, ventilator requirement, or respiratory mechanics Crit Care Med 2004 Aug;32(8):
Key points Low TV ventilation with appropriate PEEP
Oxygenation can be improved with prone ventilation, increased I:E ratio, recruitment maneuvers and APRV Potential benefit of HFV, NO, exogenous surfactant, partial liquid ventilation still need further investigations
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