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Abnormal Psychology.

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1 Abnormal Psychology

2 Abnormal Psyc. Two Ways to define abnormal behavior:
Statistical – how frequently or infrequently does a behavior occur Social – does the behavior deviate from accepted social norm

3 What is insanity? Is there a difference between a legal definition of insanity and a psychological one?

4 Legal definition of insanity is not knowing the difference between right and wrong
Psychological definition of insanity is  a mental disorder that is prolonged or recurring and that seriously interferes with an individual’s ability to live a satisfying personal life and function in society

5 Diagnosis 1962, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) created a Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders It was known as DSM-I Newest version is the DSM-V It is a complete listing of symptoms, labels, prognoses and sample cases

6 Emil Kraeplin (1909) First person to make a systematic list of mental problems based on the analysis of symptoms

7 Are there possible problems or dangers of classifying/labeling a person with a disorder?

8 Dangers of Labeling Expect people not to change and ignore changes if they do occur Rejection of responsibility on the part of the “afflicted” Stigma of having a mental disorder Attach label to person instead of illness

9 Rosenhan’s Experiment (1970’s)
Psychiatrist, several psychologists, graduate students, homemaker, painter, etc. Twelve hospitals No history of mental illness Went to hospitals and said they heard voices Voices said, “thud”, “empty” and “hollow” Once admitted they acted normal

10 Rosenhan’s Experiment (1970’s)
Tried to determine how long it would take for staff to notice the normalcy It took days (average of 19 days) Other patients detected that the investigators were not really “sick” before staff

11 2 Parts to a Diagnosis Medical Psychological
Some disorders are caused by medically identifiable problems Check-ups, EEG, MRI Psychological 2 major sources Interviews Personality tests

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