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Presentation on theme: "ROOT WORDS List 1."— Presentation transcript:


2 Root Words Chart Write the root word and its meaning on your chart
Though there is an example word on the slide, you must list at least three example words on your chart (you may not use the word from the slide) When you draw a picture on your chart, it must represent the MEANING of the root word, and not an illustration of an example word.

3 1. ASTER, ASTRO Meaning = star Example word = disastrous

4 2. AUD, AUS Meaning = hear, listen Example = auditorium

5 3. BIBL Meaning = book Example = Bible

6 4. CHRON Meaning = time Example = anachronism

7 5. CRED Meaning = believe Example = incredulous

8 6. DUC, DUCT Meaning = lead Example = conductor

9 7. GRAPH Meaning = write Example = autograph

10 8. MAN Meaning = hand Example = manicure

11 9. MOR, MORT Meaning = death Example = immortality

12 10. VIT, VIV Meaning = alive, live Example = survival

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