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What is happening in this image?

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Presentation on theme: "What is happening in this image?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is happening in this image?

2 Why was the buffalo so important to the Plains Indians?
To investigate the nature of the relationship between the Native Americans of the Plains and the buffalo To identify the crucial role of the horse in hunting the buffalo, and how this turned Native Americans into nomadic hunters. To explain why the buffalo was sacred to the Native Americans

3 Watch the following clip
What does it reveal about the Buffalo hunt?

4 Hunting the buffalo To the person next to you… Describe the scene
Discuss the positives Discuss the dangers

5 Harsh weather conditions
To the person next to you… Describe the scene Discuss the positives Discuss the dangers Harsh weather conditions

6 How to hunt the buffalo:
The BUFFALO JUMP method "Chasers" or "runners" would lead the animals towards a cliff where others waited behind rocks and trees. People waved blankets and shouted forcing the animals over the edge of the cliff. Others waited at the bottom of the cliff to kill the crippled animals. The BUFFALO POUND method The bison were lured into a coulee (ravine) by a hunter who dressed in buffalo robes. Then the other hunters, who were lined along the coulee, stampeded the animals into a log corral (closed-in place). They killed the bison with spears. The CHASE method This method was sometimes used if the hunters had horses. A hunting party would charge the herd and get as close as they could to a bison, then shoot it with a bow and arrow or gun. Summarise these in your booklets What are the problems with these methods?

7 Think about: Hunting the buffalo Their nomadic lifestyle Power
What do you think the impact of horses might be on the Plains Indian’s lifestyle? Think about: Hunting the buffalo Their nomadic lifestyle Power

8 Horses made the hunt easier.


10 Horses made moving camp easier.

11 Horses were a status symbol!

12 Who were the ‘Dog Soldiers’?
Kept law and order in the tribes Every year, 4 of the bravest Dog Men were chosen and took suicide vows promising to protect their tribe and defend their people to the death Supervised following buffalo Made sure right amount of Buffalo were killed

13 How did the Native Americans use the Buffalo?

14 The Role of Women in the Hunt
This clip is from a modern native American perspective where women talk about how important the buffalo is today.

15 Complete your booklets: The Native Americans and the Buffalo
P18 green P24 white Complete your booklets: The Native Americans and the Buffalo

16 How would the whites view the Indian’s dependence on the buffalo?

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