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by mk² marketing & kommunikation gmbh

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1 by mk² marketing & kommunikation gmbh
IMC Meeting 2017 WEU Market Presentation by mk² marketing & kommunikation gmbh

2 Western Europe Market Overview
Overall WEU seafood market record year in value - French households spent €7,2 billion in retail - Average per capita consumption of 33,8kg in France Alaska imports to WEU - Showed slight increase - Growing category was cod (especially H&G) - Salmon profited from high prices (rise in value although smaller volume) Consumer behavior WEU - 59% consumed finfish from wild origins - Frozen segment decreased (need for consumer reassurance) - Processed seafood (smoked) showed growth while surimi decreased Alaska products among top species - Sockeye & coho gaining market share (Smoked segment) - Pacific cod in frozen segment + growing presence on the chilled segment - AK pollock in foodservice (14% volume / 9% value market share) – to be revitalized in retail

3 Strategy WEU I. Establish collaborations with leading WEU traders to target their customers (HRI and manufacturers) → Improve market position II. Work with industry to support product innovations in France (new cuts vs. H&G, grill marks, VAP etc.) → Achieve new listings III. Train key decision makers (retail & HRI) and include them closer in ASMI promotion activities → Push impact & sales IV. Create new product images especially through promoting new usage of AK pollock and VAPs → Develop trade channels V. Push Alaska brand building through multi channel marketing highlighting ASMI attributes → Distinguish from competition

4 Upcoming Plans WEU Retail buyer / category manager workshops
Conduct seminars and workshops for key decision makers Explain about Alaska and the sustainable fishing principle Present species: genuine Alaska pollock / five salmon varieties Make them supporters of Alaska origin to push new listings Blogger / cooking aps approach Focus on new media to present culinary diversity Work with bloggers to develop AK recipes Cooperate with cooking / recipe databases to publish Include recipes in retail online leaflets Food trendsetters Closely follow tends in the markets and take advantage Example upcoming Poke trend in EU / health trend Collaborate with restaurants to include AK seafood for food innovations 1. Chef education will take place in all markets (focus on cook it frozen / single frozen / pure pollock / salmon species) _ WEU & CEU. Work with French chefs, Heiko und Chris as Spokesperson. Salmon Sommelier / Cooperate with importers e.g Transgourmet / Deutsche See to conduct seminars in their test kitchens 2. Shopping Apps like Captain Cook in GER or Marmiton in FR / Food bloggers develop recipes / Place them in shopping aps showing ingredients lists and where to buy product. Directly influence buying decisions 3. Improve awareness level. Work with chefs and restaurant owners to place AK seafood on the menus. Push product usage in gastronomy French chefs are Sophie Fernandez and Jonathan Buirette

5 Call to action Mixed shipments for smaller buyers
Evaluate opportunities for combined shipments (maybe even with US East Coast: lobster, monkfish) Save shipping costs and open chances both for smaller suppliers and small quantity buyers Increase availability of rare AK seafood species with small market volume

6 by mk² marketing & kommunikation gmbh
Discussion Thank You! by mk² marketing & kommunikation gmbh

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