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By: Sophia Lezhanska and Lidia Teslenko

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1 By: Sophia Lezhanska and Lidia Teslenko
RIGHT TO EDUCATION By: Sophia Lezhanska and Lidia Teslenko

2 Which countries are affected
All countries are affected in some way

3 WHY IS THIS HAPPENING millions of children and adults are deprived of educational opportunities, many as a result of poverty.  3000 schools destroyed/damaged.  Nearly 900 used as houses for families, school that are operating, not enough teachers or facilities.

4 WHY IS THIS HAPPENING Gender Inequality
Today, it is girls who have the least access to education. They make up more than 54% of the non-schooled population in the world because of inequalities that originate in health and cultural identity (ethnic origin, language, religion) Education was deprived because of these reasons

Each of the following organizations help to stop education deprivation: Association for Childhood Education International, Education International, The Global Partnership for Education, Plan International, Save the Children, UNESCO (The United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization), UNICEF (The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund)

6 HOW IS CANADA HELPING Canada is participating in the global educational effort Canada is one of 164 countries that has committed to meeting the six Education for All goals and has adapted its policies and programs accordingly. These goals are aimed at meeting the learning needs of all children, young people and adults by 2015

7 HOW IS CANADA HELPING In 2000, the United Nations established eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), including: MDG 2, which aims to ensure that, by 2015, children everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling MDG 3, which aims to eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education by 2005 and at all levels of education no later than 2015

On Sunday, October 20, 2013, roughly 4,000 students and staff from the Hamilton- Wentworth Catholic District School Board will heed that cry by setting out on an 8- kilometre pilgrimage to raise funds for people in Third World countries who live in poverty. “Among our tasks as witnesses to the love of Christ is that of giving a voice to the cry of the poor.” ~ Pope Francis, Address to the Archbishop of Canterbury, June 2013

The momentum continues, with thousands of students, staff and parents giving up a part of their weekend to walk in solidarity with the poor and to raise money, through pledges, for humanitarian projects in Uganda, Haiti and the Dominican Republic. The annual pilgrimage, “Walk with Christ: Justice for the Poor,” was begun in as a system-wide service project for students in Grades 7 to 12 to raise awareness of issues facing the developing world – such as hunger, inadequate health care, housing and education

10 WHEN DID THIS START In Europe, before the Enlightenment of the eighteenth and nineteenth century, education was the responsibility of parents and the church. With the French andAmerican Revolution education was established also as a public function. The constitution recognised education as a function of the state, independent of the church. Remarkable at the time, the constitution proclaimed the right to free education for the poor. Before, education was not free for the poor

11 WHO DOES IT AFFECT New analysis from ONS examines the extent to which the circumstances children grow up in affect their future life chances In recent years there has been considerable research into the degree to which children born into poor families grow up to become poor adults Therefore, children in poverty are mostly the ones affected

priorites/education/index.aspx?lang=eng helping-worlds-poor el/household-income/intergenerational-transmission-of-poverty-in-the-uk---eu/2014/sty- causes-of-poverty-uk.html

13 THANK YOU I hope you now understand about this issue.
Thank you for watching. I hope you now understand about this issue. I hoped you liked it.

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