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Intent to Raise Questions

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1 Intent to Raise Questions
Responses from March 1, 2016 questions

2 K. Leonard Can we please have a clear explanation of processes and allowable procedures for paying students for things other than employment (stipends, prizes, gifts, honoraria, gifts)?

3 B. Hartung, Asst. Provost As a rule of thumb, General Fund (State) monies may not be used for student stipends, honoraria, and gifts and prizes. Foundation and other funds are subject to other rules as explained in the document posted to the Senate web page.

4 J. Meriwether Q1 Last fall, the CI 2025 Planning and Steering Committees met over the course of several weeks for generating ideas and priorities; four months later, news appeared on the campus website that we had received an award for its "CI 2025 Vision Plan".  Likely this award was based on some iteration made in years past, but could the current/future role and function of the CI 2025 Steering Committee be clarified?

5 J. Gormley, Senior Director, Planning, Design, & Construction
The Steering Committee related to the CI 2025 program will meet periodically to review opportunities about the campus’ facilities needs and offer input on how specific opportunities might be programmed to serve the University’s needs.  The Steering Committee is made up of representatives from the entire campus community.  The recommendations will then be review by the Cabinet and a final decision made by the President.

6 J. Meriwether Q2 We receive information about, and know of, space pressures on the main campus.  Leaving aside "bigger picture" plans (CI 2025, University Strategic Plan), what is being done regarding the nuts and bolts planning for additional classroom and office space in the near term (2-4 years)?  Is there work on the main campus to renovate/create classrooms and offices, such as was recently seen on Santa Rosa Island?  And is there faculty involvement in the priorities and planning?

7 J. Gormley Campus Planning has been working closely with Academic Affairs on the short- and mid-term facilities needs that will support the campus enrollment growth.  For now, the campus is set for capacity instructional space (lecture and lab) and is good for at least two to three years, depending on enrollment growth over the next three years. We also have adequate faculty office space for the next year at least, again, depending on enrollment growth and faculty hiring decisions.  We continue to scenario plan for the mid-term growth needs however and have several options until the next capital project is set and ready for occupancy, hopefully within the next 4—5 years.  We feel confident that the final program will be approved and design will commence on it in the coming months.

8 Follow up: D. Wakelee, Assoc. Provost
There have been preliminary discussions between Academic Affairs (Provost’s office, Gary Berg, Bill Cordeiro and Hung Dang) and Facilities about the potential Gateway Hall project.  However, until there is confirmation of a funding source for this project it is premature to engage in extensive planning or consultation with faculty.  As soon as there are resources to support this or other projects there will be opportunities for faculty to participate on planning.

9 J. Elliott With the new Philosophy program being submitted, where in the date range indicated on the Academic Master Plan (AMP) does it fall?

10 D. Wakelee, Assoc. Provost
The proposed Philosophy program has yet to receive senate and campus approval.  Once approved at the campus level it must going to the Chancellor’s office for review.  Given uncertainties about the timing of approvals and admission cycles, it is unclear where in the date range this program would be ready for implementation.

11 B. Aquino  Is it possible to have student ID pictures included in PeopleSoft rosters?  A primary concern is being able to easily confirm student identity (e.g., during exams) as well as helping to speed the process of learning student names, of course.

12 M. Berman, VP of T&C Thanks for suggesting the addition of photos to student rosters. As it happens, the discussion about making broader use of student photos for several campus processes has recently begun. As you might expect, there are policy issues (e.g. can a student opt-out?), process issues (e.g. not all students have ID cards), and a moderate amount of technical work required. I definitely see the value of making student photos available to the faculty and I think we will get there but I’m not ready to say how long it will take at this point. I will see that the Senate is kept informed, and that both faculty and students have an opportunity to participate in the discussions.

13 J. Yudelson Heard that once the new residence halls are done, that the parking lot adjacent to the far end, along with the parking lot behind Sage Hall will then be converted to only allow for residences. The question is, what happens to faculty parking spaces?

14 J. Reid, Chief of Police There are no plans to convert the A2 lot behind Sage Hall to student resident parking only. There are currently no restricted faculty spaces dedicated in the SH2 parking lot.  We do have some limited capacity there and allow faculty/staff permits to park in the far eastern portion of the lot as needed. In conjunction with the parking and transportation demand management study that is currently underway we will be examining parking strategies for all the various groups and putting forward some recommendations to the campus – sometime this summer.

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