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ATF collaboration activity and 2016 beam schedule

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1 ATF collaboration activity and 2016 beam schedule
Nobuhiro Terunuma, KEK ECFALC16 June 1st, 2016, Santander, Spain

2 ATF/ATF2: Accelerator Test Facility
Develop the nanometer beam technologies for ILC Key of the luminosity maintenance 6 nm beam at IP (ILC) Layout of ILC ATF2: Final Focus Test Beamline Establish the technique for small beam (Goal: 37 nm) and its position stabilization in a few nm. Damping Ring (~140m) Low emittance electron beam 1.3 GeV S-band Electron LINAC (~70m)

3 MoUs link to ATF ATF International Collaboration (since 2005)
revised and extended up to 2018 KEK-CERN Collaborative Research Contract ATF/ATF2 is one of the keys on it.

4 ATFに参加している代表的研究機関 - ATF International Collaboration -
アメリカ(USA) SLAC国立加速器研究所 ローレンス・バークレー国立研究所(LBNL) フェルミ国立加速器研究所(FNAL) ローレンス・リバモア国立研究所(LLNL) ブルックヘブン国立研究所(BNL) コーネル大学(Cornell Univ.) ノートルダム大学(Notre Dome Univ.) 欧州原子核研究機構(CERN) ドイツ(Germany) 電子シンクロトロン研究所(DESY) フランス(France) IN2P3; LAL, LAPP, LLR イギリス(UK) Univ. of Oxford Royal Holloway Univ. of London STFC, Daresbury Univ. of Manchester Univ. of Liverpool Univ. College London イタリア(Italy) INFN, Frascati スペイン(Spain) IFIC-CSIC/UV ロシア(Russia) Tomsk Polytechnic Univ. 日本(Japan) 高エネルギー加速器研究機構(KEK) 東北大学 (Tohoku Univ.) 東京大学 (Univ. of Tokyo) 早稲田大学(Waseda Univ.) 名古屋大学(Nagoya Univ.) 京都大学 (Kyoto Univ.) 広島大学 (Hiroshima Univ.) 中国(China) 中国科学院高能物理研究所(IHEP) 韓国(Korea) ポハン加速器研究所(PAL) キョンプク大学(KNU) インド(India) Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology 先端加速器試験装置(ATF)

5 Chair: Philip Burrows (Oxford)
Angeles Faus-Golfe (CSIC-UV) Nobuhiro Terunuma (KEK)

6 Number of Collaborators visited ATF

7 Education of young researchers
58 Ph.Ds related to ATF R&D ATF International Collaboration established in 2005 2016/5/31 Accelerator Test Facility, KEK

8 Goal-1: Small Beam R&D at ATF2
Establish the ILC final focus method with same optics and comparable beamline tolerances ATF2 Goal : 37 nm  ILC 6 nm Achieved 44 nm (2014) obtained a good repeatability Continued: Establish the tuning method to 37 nm. Study impact of wakefield for ATF and ILC Talks: T.Okugi, Small beam status Y.Kano, Beam size with FONT K.Kubo, wakefield issues ATF2 beamline Quick tuning to reach 100 nm after long shut-down, less than 20 hours

9 Goal-2: nanometer beam position stabilization
Status of the FONT FB systems Goal-2: nanometer beam position stabilization Develop a few nm position stabilization for the ILC collision R&D at ATF2 Intra-train fast feedback (FONT): Stabilize the successive bunches by using a pilot bunch position (head bunch) demonstration at ATF2-IP requests a few nm resolution BPM which is not required for ILC (difficulty at ATF2) Results latency 133 nsec achieved (target: < 300 nsec) positon jitter at IP 410 nm  67 nm (2015) (limited by the present BPM resolution) Next: nanometer stabilization by improving the BPM resolution Talk: Neven Blaskov: Status of the FONT FB systems FB test at ATF2-IP Feedback OFF ON Nanometer resolution BPM in the IP vacuum chamber

10 Summary of beam time for R&D in FY2015: Apr-Mar
Beam operation Typically, 2 weeks operation follows a week maintenance. Long summer shutdown: (from July to September) Machine failures were cured in the shutdown/maintenance weeks. A few beam weeks were rescheduled with maintenance weeks t minimize the loss of R&D time.

11 KEK's budget decision for FY2016
General budget for KEK is almost same as last year. KEK faces the difficulty on the accelerator operations. doubled electricity cost since 2014. SuperKEKB commissioning with insufficient budget All of the KEK (Tsukuba campus) accelerators are requested to shape-up their operation. KEK had to reduce the budget for R&D programs to overcome the difficulty. ATF budget was reduced 20% from 2015. It means only a half of usual operation is enabled. Budget for maintenance is also minimized.

12 2016 Budget difficulty and ILC
Following KEK activity on ILC are separately managed by organization and budget. promotion activity R&D activity KEK DG request ATF/STF to focus on the R&D for ILC. There are a lot of common issues to be developed for ILC and CLIC. We should make clear the ATF strategy for coming ILC preparation years; 2(pre)+4 years. First draft by the end of June.

13 History of ATF Beam Weeks
Fiscal Year Electricity cost became twice. CERN/CLIC supported additional 2 weeks in FY2014. Total 12 weeks in FY2016. (We will have remaining 9 weeks.) Since 2014, because of the high electricity cost and KEK tight budget, the running time is significantly reduced.

14 JFY2016; Apr-Mar, 12 weeks

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