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Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the U.S.

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1 Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the U.S.
EANGUS 101 Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the U.S. EANGUS is your professional association. It’s the only association that has as its focus the enlisted men and women of the Army and Air National Guard. It has no divided loyalties. The Chiefs of Staff of the Army and Air Force have encouraged members to belong to professional associations. EANGUS should be your association of choice. Presented By: SMSgt Daniel Robson

2 Who We Are Largest enlisted reserve component association
Organized in SD in 1970 by Senior NCOs; incorporated in MS in 1972 Headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia Our mission is to give a voice on Capitol Hill for Enlisted National Guard men and women, their families, and retirees Longstanding member of The Military Coalition EANGUS was started in 1970 by a group of senior noncommissioned officers who met in South Dakota and decided to put together an organization to represent the interests and concerns of the National Guard enlisted force on Capitol Hill and in each state. Headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia with a small full-time staff, EANGUS has state associations or chapters in every state and territory, as well as one that represents those at NGB.

3 The Military Coalition
Formed to work on compensation and benefits issues for service members, veterans, and their families Speaks with one powerful voice to lawmakers 35 member associations, representing almost 6 million members EANGUS fully participates with TMC EANGUS has been a long time member of The Military Coalition (TMC). TMC is an collaboration of 32 military service and veterans service organizations, united in one effort—to influence Capitol Hill on behalf of military members, their families, veterans, and retirees. Influence on Capitol Hill is all about the number of members that are represented, and TMC represents over 5.5 million members (voters). EANGUS is represented on almost all of the subcommittees in TMC.

4 Legislative Goals Each year, EANGUS works with legislative issues to benefit National Guard members Legislative goals come from the membership Health Care – Eliminate Duty Status IRS - Overnight Travel Expenses Veteran Status – 20 Years TSP – 401k Limits Title 5 Technician Conversion Legislative Alerts Each year, legislative goals are set by the membership of EANGUS. These goals are the marching orders for the National Office. The goals come from the members in state associations, through the Area Legislative committees, to the Resolutions Committee at the national level. At our annual conference, the Resolutions Committee considers each resolution, and then presents the resolutions to the delegates in large session. Once the delegates approve the resolutions, the National Office Legislative Department uses them to develop plans to address them on Capitol Hill by your legislators. Image Credits:

5 State Accomplishments
Education scholarships and tuition waivers or reimbursements State income tax advantages Group life insurance Distinctive vehicle license plates Low cost home loans State bonus for combat zone service Monetary award for enlistment referrals Exemption from arrest while going to/from duty Interest free emergency loans State retirement income for NG service Limited exemption of property taxes Burial rights in state cemeteries SGLI Reimbursement!!! These are some benefits that the state associations lobbied their state legislatures and received. Not all of these benefits are in all states. Sharing legislation across state lines, from states that have “cracked the code” to helping other states pass meaningful legislation, is a valuable membership benefit.

6 Membership Benefits Awards to individuals who support EANGUS
Grants & Scholarships NM EANGUS – Deadline March / April yearly Refugio Rodriguez & Pete Alleman Scholarship - up to $1,000 (6k max) USAA - $1000 per State CSM Virgil R. Williams - $2000 – Deadline 6/1/2017 Future Phoenix (UoP) – 3x Full Ride American InterContinental University – Up t 6x Full Ride American Military University – 1x Bach 1x Grad Full Ride Grand Canyon University – 2x Full Fide Grantham University – 1x Full Fide Sonora Desert Institute – 1x Full Ride Wyotech – 1x Full, multiple partial Health & Vision Care Plans New Patriot quarterly magazine Travel / Vendor discounts EANGUS offers a myriad of benefits to its members including scholarships, health care plans, retail discounts, and much, much more.

7 EANGUS “We Care For America” Foundation
Emergency relief fund for EANGUS members Emergency grants for financial hardship 501(c)(3) non-profit charity Over 400 grants have been approved since Katrina, totaling over $500,000 The EANGUS “We Care For America” Foundation is the charitable arm of EANGUS, providing grants for those in financial distress. It is part of the Combined Federal Campaign.

8 Membership As of December 2014, there were 41,976 EANGUS members
Types of membership: Annual $15/yr – members of the National Guard and retirees, dues are paid every year Life $110 – members of National Guard and retirees, one- time fee payment for life Honorary – bestowed by EANGUS leaders Associate $15/yr – individuals who aren’t members of the National Guard, dues are paid every year Associate Life $15/yr – lifetime membership for associates Corporate – Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Affinity membership levels There are 5 categories of members of EANGUS. When you pay your dues, you belong to the state as well as the national organizations. Anyone can be an associate member—no National Guard affiliation is necessary. Delegates at the annual conference are determined by the number of members (not to include associate).

9 Join Today! Why should you join today?
Your membership dues help EANGUS lobby for the following benefits for you: Pay! We lobby for pay raises to reduce pay inequity Money! Hazardous duty pay was increased Benefits! $300 per weekend for IDT travel Education! Forever GI Bill with stipends and benefits Affordability! Held TRICARE fees at today’s level instead of 350% increase Healthcare! Extended 5-year VA care eligibility Retirement! Retirement points of 130 per year, up from 90 Earlier Retirement! Deployment time counts for earlier retirement EANGUS is always fighting for you, whether it be better benefits, salaries, or insurance. Join today to support us in giving you a voice on Capitol Hill!

10 EANGUS Auxiliary Supports EANGUS: Must be a spouse of an EANGUS member
Especially in grassroots legislative work By providing support and fellowship among National Guard families Must be a spouse of an EANGUS member Holds annual conference in conjunction with EANGUS “Side by side, we stand with pride.” Judy Wood EANGUS Auxiliary President Our Auxiliary is no less important, standing side by side with EANGUS members in fighting for benefits and privileges.

11 Events Legislative Workshop Annual State Meeting
February 3-6, 2018 Washington, DC Annual State Meeting April 27-29, 2018 Buffalo Thunder Resort – Santa Fe Annual National Conference August 11-18, 2018 Charleston, WV Register on EANGUS hosts an annual conference and various events throughout the year. Check our website to see upcoming events.

12 How to Join Visit our website at
to register online or contact your state representative. Or contact us at EANG (3264) for more information! EANGUS is the only association that looks out for your interests on Capitol Hill and provides increased benefits for your military service. You can join or renew online on our web site.

13 Questions General Membership Commitee Email
SMSgt Miguel Perez SMSgt Daniel Robson MSgt Vanessa Ortega MSgt Christopher Ortega

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