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Distribution TOT 9/16/17 Cox’s Bazar.

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Presentation on theme: "Distribution TOT 9/16/17 Cox’s Bazar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Distribution TOT 9/16/17 Cox’s Bazar

2 Assessment Conduct needs analysis
Create clear targetting criteria - currently blanket distribution for new arrivals Identify the target population Work with block leaders / community - but observe closely on selection. Use secondary data sources wherever possible / available. Planning: identify distribution centre. (away from crouded place, market, ..) Assess road access and communications Transport and logistics. Understand markets – to know what is avaialbe. What are the markets able to porovide Identify staff and volunteers Conduct regular assessments and note changing needs.

3 Registration/token Tokens must be provided in advance of distributions
Tokens should be distributed one day before, wherever possible. Idnetify who will come for the distribution (to reduce theft/ trade.). Ensure that people are informed when the tokens are given out: What they will receive? Who will carry the items? Where and when the distribution will take place. Ask them to record their token number. Ensure tokens are not easy to copy. Make a record of the token when you give it out to deal with cases of fraud. Avoid publicising that individuals are vulnerable Consider the consequences of highligthing vulnerabilties through token colour / type Agree token desing to enable rapid use. Inform local authorities of the distribution. Inform safety and scurity services on distribution time, date, location, numbers, and risks

4 Before the day: Coordinate with other partners and organisations to avoid duplication and distribution at the same location Coordinate with other sectors regarding training opportunities at distribution site Identify distribution sites – ensure that they are near the shelter locations. Request for tarpaulins to cover queues at distribution sites. Inform local authorities and community leaders about tthe “humanitarian character” of the exercise (in line with humanitarian principle) NEW Distribution points ARE NEEDED.

5 On the day Logistics: Materials arrive on time (minimum 2 hours before stated distribution time). Ideally materials should arrive the day before. Correct number of materials. Standby vehicle at site First aid kit on site, Have standard kit list for distribution: Master roll / kit list / rope / megarophone/ .. Consider How most vulnerable beneficiaries will travel to the distribution site; and transport materials to their place Ensure you have all the updated enrolment lists at your disposal to avoid complications

6 On the day Staffing Agree volunteers at least 2 days before
Prioritise regular «trained» volunteers Monitor preformance of volunteers. Train volunteers on personal behaviour and responsabilities Ensure that local languages and dialects are represented Ensure that all distribution staff have visibility items so that they can clearly be identified during the distribution

7 On the day Shaded waiting place Reporting . Ensrure Reports are filed
Site layout Ensure queues with gap between crowd and materials Shaded waiting place Drinking water (Ideally) sanitation facilities Reporting . Ensrure Reports are filed 1: FOR INTERNAL DONOR REPORTING 2: TO Government / SHELTER WORKING GRUOP

8 Feedback and complaints
Establish complaint box, but be aware that this is not sufficient Set up complaints desk Ensure that any compliants are acted on and wherever possible peple are informed of the outcome Maintain register of complaints with actions. Establish hotline number or number that peolel can call in case of issues. Those manning hotlines, know local language. Have clear process for managing cases of lost broken tokens. Be careful to avoid false promises Deal with complaints wehre immediate action is possible If possible, use the popular APP based data collection and analyisis tools like KOBO Collect, OpenDataKit (ODK) KEEP CALM 

9 If people are selling items - review needs assessment and response.
Identify different priorities Key considerations: staff safety is the priority.

10 PDM - p Reference: Guidelines for the distribution of Shelter/NFI _final.pdf

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