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Ideas of 2nd Constitutional Period

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Presentation on theme: "Ideas of 2nd Constitutional Period"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ideas of 2nd Constitutional Period
Turkish Nationalism

2 Emergence of Turkish Nationalism

3 Early Intellectual Contributions to Turkism
Grammer of the Turkish Language Ottoman-Turkish Dictionary Turcology Departments History of Modern Times by Ahmet Mithat Psa Orhon tablets

4 The Impact of the Turkish Emmigres of Russian origin
Emergence of Muslim bourgeoisie in Russia Ideal: Independence from Russia and unification among Turkish-speaking people Pan-Turkism as a reaction

5 Pan-Turkist Nationalists
Very active during the 1905 Revolution Influenced by political movements in Russia Yusuf Akçura Ahmet Ağaoğlu Hüseyinzade Ali İsmail Gaspirinski

6 Hüseyinzade Ali

7 Pan-Turkism Early pan-Turkism and bourgeois liberal ideals
Modernizing the religion Amelioration of the status of women Realization of economic and social development

8 Two Leading Representatives of the Turkish National Movement

9 Ziya Gökalp Origin and Education
Focused on the philological and cultural aspects of Turkish nationalism Genc Kalemler, Turk Yurdu, Milli Tetebbular Sociology of Gokalp

10 Being Turkish Being Muslim Being Civilized Türkleşmek, İslamlaşmak, Muasırlaşmak
Cultural nationalism Definition of Nation A synthesis of Turkish culture and Western civilization Distinction between civilization and culture

11 Social Solidarism of Gökalp
Family is the cell of the society Classes vs occupational groups (Corporatism) Family (cells)  Occupational Groups (organs)  Political groups (social organisms) Learning from the people

12 Yusuf Akçura Social and economic background
Socio-economic and historical approach Economic analysis and materialist understanding Influenced from Darwin and Marx Search of a nascent bourgeoisie

13 Üç Tarz-ı Siyaset Foundations of the state Pan-Turkist approach
The Tatar model and the nascent bourgeoisie Definition of the nation Nationalisms role in the development of commercial and industrial capitalism

14 Some Turkist Organizations and Periodicals
Associations Türk Derneği, Türk Bilgi Cemiyeti, Türk Ocağı Periodicals Genç Kalemler , Türk Yurdu, Halka Doğru

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