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Pre-cious bod-y, pre-cious blood, here in bread and wine;

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Presentation on theme: "Pre-cious bod-y, pre-cious blood, here in bread and wine;"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pre-cious bod-y, pre-cious blood, here in bread and wine;
Chorus: THE SUPPER OF THE LORD Pre-cious bod-y, pre-cious blood, here in bread and wine; here the Lord pre-pares the feast di-vine. Bread of love is bro-ken now, cup of life is poured: come, share the sup-per of the Lord.

2 com-ing down from heav’n,
Verse 1: THE SUPPER OF THE LORD This is the bread of God com-ing down from heav’n, gi-ving life to us, to all the world.

3 Pre-cious bod-y, pre-cious blood, here in bread and wine;
Chorus: THE SUPPER OF THE LORD Pre-cious bod-y, pre-cious blood, here in bread and wine; here the Lord pre-pares the feast di-vine. Bread of love is bro-ken now, cup of life is poured: come, share the sup-per of the Lord.

4 You are the liv-ing spring shall not thirst a-gain.
Verse 2: THE SUPPER OF THE LORD You are the liv-ing spring of e-ter-nal life; we that drink of you shall not thirst a-gain.

5 Pre-cious bod-y, pre-cious blood, here in bread and wine;
Chorus: THE SUPPER OF THE LORD Pre-cious bod-y, pre-cious blood, here in bread and wine; here the Lord pre-pares the feast di-vine. Bread of love is bro-ken now, cup of life is poured: come, share the sup-per of the Lord.

6 You are the bread of heav’n
Verse 3: THE SUPPER OF THE LORD You are the bread of heav’n giv-ing life to us; we that eat this bread shall nev-er die.

7 Pre-cious bod-y, pre-cious blood, here in bread and wine;
Chorus: THE SUPPER OF THE LORD Pre-cious bod-y, pre-cious blood, here in bread and wine; here the Lord pre-pares the feast di-vine. Bread of love is bro-ken now, cup of life is poured: come, share the sup-per of the Lord.

8 All those who feed on you
Verse 4: THE SUPPER OF THE LORD All those who feed on you have their life in you, as You have Your life in the liv-ing God.

9 Pre-cious bod-y, pre-cious blood, here in bread and wine;
Chorus: THE SUPPER OF THE LORD Pre-cious bod-y, pre-cious blood, here in bread and wine; here the Lord pre-pares the feast di-vine. Bread of love is bro-ken now, cup of life is poured: come, share the sup-per of the Lord.

10 All praise to you, O Christ,
Verse 5: THE SUPPER OF THE LORD All praise to you, O Christ, present in the feast; in this bread we share in one life, one Lord.

11 Pre-cious bod-y, pre-cious blood, here in bread and wine;
Chorus: THE SUPPER OF THE LORD Pre-cious bod-y, pre-cious blood, here in bread and wine; here the Lord pre-pares the feast di-vine. Bread of love is bro-ken now, cup of life is poured: come, share the sup-per of the Lord.

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