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Human Body Systems Group #3 - Homeostasis

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1 Human Body Systems Group #3 - Homeostasis
The Excretory System The Lymphatic System The Immune System

2 The Excretory System - Functions
Metabolism is all of the chemical activities that help the organism survive The body needs to balance water, salt, and other chemicals to maintain the functions of all systems Wastes are generated through metabolism (chemical reactions) Excretion gets rids of the wastes

3 The Excretory System - Structures
Cells – nephrons filter the blood Tissues - epithelial & muscular tissue Organs kidneys – are made of nephrons filter the blood bladder – stores urine large intestine – digestive wastes lungs – exhale carbon dioxide & water skin – sweat releases water, salt & chemicals

4 The Excretory System - Interactions
Urinary System filters the blood and releases liquid wastes (urine) Digestive System collects undigested materials and releases them as solid wastes (feces) Respiratory System collects and releases carbon dioxide and water Integumentary System (Skin) releases wastes through sweating (salt, water & other chemicals)

5 The Excretory System - Interactions
Cardiovascular System (Circulatory System) blood carries wastes to locations of disposal For example… carbon dioxide is carried back to the lungs for exhaling blood is pumped to the kidneys for filtering

6 The Lymphatic System - Functions
Provides protection from pathogens (germs and other foreign substances that enter/invade the body) Transport wastes through fluids OUTSIDE of the circulatory system (a clear fluid, not blood) Controlled by movements of the skeletal muscles

7 The Lymphatic System - Structures
Cells – white blood cells Tissues – connective tissue Organs lymph nodes such as tonsils, spleen, adenoids, thymus

8 The Lymphatic System - Interactions
Skeletal & Muscular Systems voluntary movement causes lymph to circulate Digestive System spleen captures and destroys pathogens Respiratory tonsils capture and destroy pathogens

9 The Lymphatic System - Interactions
Excretory System helps get rid of wastes Immune System white blood cells fight pathogens Nervous & Senses helps to move cerebrospinal fluid Endocrine thymus glands produce T-cells that help fight disease

10 The Immune System – Functions
Protects the body against invaders/pathogens such as… viruses bacteria parasites fungi Produces antibodies to fights pathogens now to recognize pathogens in the future

11 The Immune System – Structures
Cells – white blood cells Tissues – epithelial and connective tissue Organs - blood vessels and lymph nodes

12 The Immune System – Interactions
Skeletal – bone marrow produces white blood cells Muscular - voluntary movement causes lymph to circulate Integumentary (Skin) – skin blocks pathogens from entering body Digestion – hydrochloric acid in the stomach kills bacteria in food Respiratory cilia and mucus trap pathogens sneezing and coughing expel pathogens from body Cardiovascular – transport white blood cells to the immune system

13 The Immune System – Interactions
Excretory – helps get rid of wastes Lymphatic – thymus and spleen produce white blood cells Nervous - cerebrospinal fluid helps protect the brain Endocrine – gland control release of hormones that trigger immune responses

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