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The IUGS-CGI international geoscience information

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1 The IUGS-CGI international geoscience information
International Association for Mathematical Geology XIth International Congress Universite de Liege, Belgium Tuesday 5th September 2006 The IUGS-CGI international geoscience information interoperability testbed Tim Duffy BGS Edinburgh, +44 (0) Further information:

2 GeoSciML = GeoScience Markup Language An international (IUGS) application of 1) OGC GML3.1.1 (an XML schema= Geography Markup Language) 2) a content domain for sharing geologic information developed under the auspices of the IUGS Commission for the Management and Application of Geoscience Information (CGI)

3 Participants GeoSciML development team: Eric Boisvert (GSC)
Boyan Brodaric (GSC) Tim Duffy (BGS) Marcus Sen (BGS) John Laxton (BGS) Simon Cox (CSIRO) Bruce Johnson (USGS) Steve Richard (AZGS-USGS) Jean-Jacques Serrano (BRGM) Bruce Simons (GSV) Lars Stolen (SGU) Lesley Wyborn/Dale Percival (GA)

4 Map to standards here as and how you wish
Little or no change requried here

5 Testbed2 use case 2

6 Use Case 1—Display and Query Feature
<LithodemicUnit gml:id="GSV200"> <gml:description>Hornblende-biotite-pyroxene syenite: grey to pale orange, medium to coarse grained, equigranular </gml:descri <gml:name>MacFarlane Syenite</gml:name> <purpose>typicalNorm</purpose> <age> <GeologicAge> <event> <CGI_TermValue> <value codeSpace="">intrusion</value> </CGI_TermValue> </event> <value> <CGI_TermRange> <lower> <value codeSpace=" AgeVocabulary" >Triassic</value> </lower> display map For Use Case 1 we want to be able to display geological units, structures and boreholes from multiple servers. Here we’ve got 4 or 5. <Click> Zoom in and Select a feature to query Return the attributes of the feature being queried in GeoSciML. For human based queries like this it might be useful to run the XML through a stylesheet to make it more human readable. This is the result after a stylesheet written by Bruce Johnson at the USGS has been applied. Obviously one of the advantages of a standard is the ability to reuse developments. query feature return GeoSciML

7 Use Case 2—Multiple Feature Download
For Use Case 2 we want to be able select multiple features and download a file in GeoSciML format. As an eg here we have the Canadian and US bedrock geology data being delivered from servers in the US and Canada by a client drawing the data together <Page> and when you click on a certain area in this case a std format is returned. Both Use Case 1 and 2 have been implemented for US, Canadian and Swedish data using one set of technologies. Although there are still issues to be resolved its Nice to see that the technologies are allowing us to achieve what we had initially envisioned. select area download GeoSciML

8 Testbed2 use case 2

9 Testbed2 use case 1

10 One service – many uses GML-based data can be …. Rendered into a
queryable map … … formatted into a report or …. Condition: community-standard data model/encoding … read and used by any WFS/GML enabled application

11 Significant Outcomes GeoSciML adopted as national standard
Australia (federal and state geological surveys) BGS, BRGM, SGU already committed to its development USGS and GSC committed to use this standard rather than NADM Meeting of European Geological Surveys and INSPIRE on September 11 14 countries voted to support it Considered that no project in INSPIRE is as advanced in real time interoperable access Voted to use it to underpin Geohazards data A couple of projects will be submitted for early October deadline Funding to continue is a serious issue – GEOSS?

12 Interoperability Working Group
1. Request Feature Interoperability Working Group GeoSciML Service Deployment Group Interest Community (IC) GeoSciML 2.0 Design Task Group GeoSciML Test Bed Task Group GeoSciML Service Architecture Task Group 2. Deliver Specification 3. Review comment 4. Change Request

13 Questions? And see

14 Geoscience data is not standardised across research groups - The trouble is…
Proprietary Software Versions of Software Client Pre-competitive geoscience datasets held at state and territory geological surveys. A substantial knowledge base for decision makers in both Government and Industry and useful for ongoing geoscientific research Now – Different formats and standards Data Structures

15 Client Community Standards Our aim…
Our aim was to provide on demand, web service based access to geoscience information holdings at State and Territory Geological surveys using a common service interface and information model. This was to be done without requiring alteration to the backend database technologies and private schemas of the surveys. Same format and standards Community Standards

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