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Underground Astrophysics at Surface Facilities: the Atomki case

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1 Underground Astrophysics at Surface Facilities: the Atomki case
Zs. Fülöp ATOMKI, Debrecen, Hungary LUNA Collaboration Germany, Hungary, Italy, UK When time, money, manpower matter: A network of satellite overground labs is needed 1 1

2 Atomki, Debrecen, Hungary

3 Looking for mountains…

4 Before accelerator: deccelerator
27Al(α,n)30P First nuclear reaction in Debrecen CO2 pressure → α-energy

5 Before accelerator: deccelerator
excitation function determined with activation method

6 LUNA history: overground contribution
Same experimental approach at higher energies Different experimental approach at higher energies Feasibility studies (target properties) Auxiliary experiments (half-lives, stopping power)

7 Strategic Research Infrastructures
Atomki: 7% of Hungary’s RI % of physics RI Strategic Research Infrastructures All validated by the NEKIFUT (Hungarian ESFRI) committee Atomki facilities: Atomki Accelerator Centre Atomki Environmental Laboratory Atomki Nuclear and Astrophysics Laboratory

8 New Tandetron Laboratory

9 17O(p,)18F Advanced hydrogen burning key reaction
Preliminary results: poster prize at EuNPC, 2015

10 Target preparation and analysis
evaporation, Atomic Layer Deposition in situ SNMS-XPS-SPM + µIBA 1 1

11 Low energy 3He(α,γ)7Be activation
Activation vs. in beam approach: Partly independent (irradiation + off-line γ) Inherent 4π cross section (no angular effects) Off-line part can be repeated (long half-life) Well-known background (no beam induced bg) No summing problems Cannot reach “low” energy A good tool to investigate systematic errors !!! 1 1

12 Complementary Measurements at ATOMKI
Catcher purity investigation overground: possible DH2+ or DD+ parasitic beam along with 6Li or 10B impurity in beam stop: 6Li(p,)7Be:  = EDH2+=233 keV 6Li(d,n)7Be:  = EDH2+=233 keV 10B(p,)7Be:  = EDH2+=233 keV  beam and beam stop purity is crucial

13 OFHC catcher purity Irradiations by 700 keV p and d at ATOMKI
Analysis of residual activity 6Li(d,n)7Be cross section → subPPM 6Li concentration

14 7Be custom reference source production
Irradiation of LiF targets at ATOMKI 7Li(p,n)7Be, Ep=2.5 MeV Thin backings Protective layer 50 cps gamma Reference activity: ISO 9001 ATOMKI LNGS

15 Production of 7Be at Atomki via the 7Li(p,n)7Be nuclear reaction
He-gas in Water in He-gas out Water out Copper backing Li-target Thickness: d = 2.5 mm Vacuum window foil 21 µm DURATHERM Proton beam Ep = 10.5 MeV; Ip = 18 A magnetically deflected and rotated Irradiation time: tirr = 105 h Produced activity: A = 7x109 Bq Target cooling: Bombarded surface: He-gas jet (pHe=1.6 bar; T  300 K) Back side of the Cu backing: Water stream

16 Recent upgrades at the vertical isotope production beam line
New control software New target cooling systems and pneumatics New electronics for beam rotating New target unit for 7Be production New hardware for the control and for the vacuum systems


18 LUNA members from Atomki
Z. Elekes Zs. Fülöp Gy. Gyürky E. Somorjai (prof. emeritus) T. Szücs

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