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12th Biennial National Conference Choices that matter: ECI in a new era … A collaborative project to support early childhood educators to support inclusion.

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Presentation on theme: "12th Biennial National Conference Choices that matter: ECI in a new era … A collaborative project to support early childhood educators to support inclusion."— Presentation transcript:

1 12th Biennial National Conference Choices that matter: ECI in a new era …
A collaborative project to support early childhood educators to support inclusion 7-9 September, Melbourne, Australia Rachael Webb (Aspire), Jane Warren (UOW), Zoe Cluff (Shaping Outcomes)

2 BACKGROUND Where idea came from –
Parent – Brochure Educator – More training and information wanted / needed Recognition of the importance of collaboration How did we start? Collaboration to date…. Slow start, but everyone in agreeance of importance Excitement about new resource ECIA 12th Biennial National Conference, Choices that matter: ECI in a new era …

3 INCLUSION SUCCESS A r e s o u r c e f o r E C E C E d u c a t o r s
Zoe Cluff Shaping Outcomes - Byron

4 CONTACT US Shop Shaping Outcomes Byron

5 WHERE ARE WE HEADED? Mapping between our ideas and Zoe’s resource Determine overlap Identify gaps/supports Collaborate with colleagues Individual volunteers to work on individual section Collate information Develop draft supporting documents Gain feedback Work on improvements ECIA 12th Biennial National Conference, Choices that matter: ECI in a new era …

6 SOME OF OUR IDEAS Educator attitude Inclusion
Transition into ECEC centre Funding Advocacy Families Embedded interventions / adaptions of resources Additional supports – working with other professionals TTS ECIA 12th Biennial National Conference, Choices that matter: ECI in a new era …

7 Inclusion – educator attitude
Lots of good information included in the ‘Shaping Outcomes’ resource Can build on attitudes of educators – questions to ask yourself, the difference your attitude can make, etc. Background paper Best Practice Guide Self-reflection tool Family feedback form ECIA 12th Biennial National Conference, Choices that matter: ECI in a new era …

8 Transition into the centre
Orientation (build on existing resource) What is transition? What does it look like? (include academic references) How to build a culture of honest and open communication Dos and Don’ts of building relationship Templates – including welcome book ECIA 12th Biennial National Conference, Choices that matter: ECI in a new era …

9 Families How families might feel Approaching families
Understanding changing needs of children and families Introduction of appropriate key worker idea in a centre context Working collaboratively with other professionals and family Reassuring/educating/supporting other families in the centre ECIA 12th Biennial National Conference, Choices that matter: ECI in a new era …

10 Transition to school Overview of why this is a complex process
Importance of working together with families and schools Link to ECIA Transition to School resource ECIA 12th Biennial National Conference, Choices that matter: ECI in a new era …

11 Templates Range of IEP templates, including alternate names used
Communication dictionary Permission forms for accessing information from therapists, etc. Welcome books Idea is to have easy to access and complete templates that can be reproduced easily and efficiently ECIA 12th Biennial National Conference, Choices that matter: ECI in a new era …

12 Short workshop plans Using existing resource – develop brief (approximately 30 minute one hour) staff development workshops on small modules These could be used in centres for in-house professional development Would include links to resource (so more information can be accessed) Would be clear, concise and include some discussion/workshop task as well as just information Staff could work through these as part of existing staff meetings ECIA 12th Biennial National Conference, Choices that matter: ECI in a new era …

Further review of links to existing resource – maximising knowledge and skills of educators Ongoing collaboration and drawing on expertise / Collation of information and decisions on format Further discussions with ECIA / Shaping Outcomes re electronic resource / Commercial printing for interested centres – possible grant to reduce / remove cost to ECEC centres Written and electronic templates and staff meeting powerpoints ECIA 12th Biennial National Conference, Choices that matter: ECI in a new era …

14 For more information, please contact:
ECIA 12th Biennial National Conference, Choices that matter: ECI in a new era …

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