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By: Ally Ganuelas, Ben Sutton, Russell Tast, and Emily Fung

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1 By: Ally Ganuelas, Ben Sutton, Russell Tast, and Emily Fung
Lazy Land By: Ally Ganuelas, Ben Sutton, Russell Tast, and Emily Fung

2 Theme The theme of Lazy Land is to be lazy and to obey the rules.
There are no requirements to live in this community.

3 Schooling/Education Schooling
In Lazy Land, there is only one place and opportunity for parents to send their children for school. When a child is three, they must learn their A, B, C’s, 1, 2, 3’s, and how to spell and write their name. A child must attend school until they turn eighteen and graduate from high school. From there, they go on and work, doing their job assigned to them by the “Magical Hat.”

4 Jobs and Marriage Jobs Jobs are assigned by the picking of the “Magical Hat.” Citizens in the community pick their job as soon as they finish High School. Citizens may not complain about their job, and have to stick with the job that is listed on the piece of paper they picked. Examples of jobs include: Birthmothers, jobs in the medical field, teachers, and restaurant employees and managers. Marriage To get married, a man must go to an annual “Wife Auction.” From there, the man picks the wife he wishes to wed and buys her by bargaining. For females to be in the “Wife Auction,” they must be single. A man and a women get married by a ceremony.

5 Housing and Applying for Children
The housing in Lazy Land all consists of two stories, four bathrooms, four bedrooms, one kitchen, and one living room. All the houses are the same, so nobody can think someone else’s house is better than their’s. Applying for Children To apply for children, a couple must look at the birth list mailed to their door each month. This list has the gender of the baby, the color of the eyes, hair, and skin, the weight, height, the DOB, and what time the baby was born. Families apply by mailing the letter back to Babies Island, saying what baby they want. The baby is later sent to the families’ front doorstep. From there, the parents can name the baby whatever they wish. Families may only have up to six children.

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