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City of Los Angeles Bicycle Plan First Year of the First Five-Year Implementation Strategy and the Figueroa Streetscape Project Environmental Impact.

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Presentation on theme: "City of Los Angeles Bicycle Plan First Year of the First Five-Year Implementation Strategy and the Figueroa Streetscape Project Environmental Impact."— Presentation transcript:

1 City of Los Angeles Bicycle Plan First Year of the First Five-Year Implementation Strategy and the Figueroa Streetscape Project Environmental Impact Report Scoping Meeting July 2012

2 Agenda Purpose of the Scoping Meeting Overview of Projects
Environmental Review Process Public Comment

3 Purpose of Today’s Meeting
Generally describe the proposed projects & Environmental Review Process Gather Information from Community including any concerns Discuss Environmental Issues to be Evaluated in the EIR with Focus on Project Impacts For example, maximum setbacks, height of fences, parking requirements, etc.

4 Introduction Lead Agency: City of Los Angeles Department of City Planning (DCP) in coordination with LADOT Three scoping meetings scheduled – July 10, 12, and 18 and a webinar on July 17 An Initial Study has been prepared by the City; issues preliminarily identified to be discussed: Land Use Compatibility Traffic & Circulation Air Quality Noise

5 Proposed Project’s Environmental Case Identification
Case Identification to follow the project throughout the adoption process, Environmental Case Number: ENV EIR

6 Proposed Projects The proposed projects would consist of the following: First Year of the First Five-Year Implementation Strategy (approximately 40 miles of bicycle lanes) Figueroa Corridor Streetscape Project For example, maximum setbacks, height of fences, parking requirements, etc.

7 First Year of the First Five-Year Implementation Strategy
Purpose of the City of Los Angeles 2010 Bicycle Plan is to increase, improve, and enhance bicycling in the City as a safe, healthy, and enjoyable means of transportation and recreation. Bicycle Plan established the Five-Year Implementation Strategy to design, analyze and build 1,227 miles in five-year increments within the next 35 years. For example, maximum setbacks, height of fences, parking requirements, etc.

8 First Year of the First Five-Year Implementation Strategy
Proposed project would include implementation of approximately 40 miles of new bicycle lanes striped along existing City streets. It would include the first year priority package of the First Five-Year Implementation Strategy. Installation of the bicycle lanes is anticipated to take less than 12 months & would begin in 2013.

9 Bicycle Plan Street Limits Length (miles) Area/Connection Venice Blvd.
TABLE 1: BICYCLE PLAN -- FIRST YEAR OF THE FIRST FIVE YEAR IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY Street Limits Length (miles) Area/Connection Venice Blvd. San Vicente Blvd. to Main St. 4.5 City Center South Lankershim Blvd. Cahuenga Blvd. to Chandler Blvd. 2.4 Universal Cahuenga Blvd. W Lankershim Blvd. to Pilgrimage Bridge 2.3 Cahuenga Blvd. E Pilgrimage Bridge to Odin St. 0.3 Caesar E. Chavez Ave. Figueroa St. to Mission Rd. 1.3 Hollywood to Alhambra Mission Rd. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. to Soto St. 7th St. Figueroa St. to Soto St. 2.9 Vermont Ave. Venice Blvd. to Wilshire Blvd. 1.2 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Marlton Ave. to Figueroa St. 3.2 N. Figueroa St. San Fernando Rd. to Colorado Blvd. 5.1 Northeast S. Figueroa St. 7th St. to Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. 3.0 Southeast Westwood Blvd. Santa Monica Blvd. to National Blvd. 1.6 Westside Bundy Dr. San Vicente Blvd. to Stanwood Dr. Centinela Ave. Stanwood Dr. to Culver City limit at Washington Pl. Sepulveda Blvd. National Blvd. to City/County limit (N/O Ohio Ave.) 2.1 Ave. of the Stars Pico Blvd. to Santa Monica Blvd. 1.0 Colorado Blvd. Glendale City limit (200’ e/o Lincoln Ave.) to Ave 64 Woodley Ave. Stagg St. to Chase St. 0.8 Valley Devonshire St. Haskell Ave. to Sepulveda Blvd. 0.4 2nd St. Beverly Blvd./Glendale Blvd. to Broadway St. Central City Grand Ave. Washington Blvd. to 30th St. 0.7 South Virgil Ave. Santa Monica Blvd. to Melrose Ave. 0.5 Hollywood TOTAL 44.2 SOURCE: City of Los Angeles, LADOT


11 Existing Bikeways as of June 2012

12 Existing Bikeways with the EIR Package (Proposed Project)

13 Figueroa Corridor Streetscape Project
Project includes development of separated bicycle lanes along 3-mile stretch of Figueroa Street though Downtown & South Los Angeles from 7th Street to Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. Vehicular travel lanes would be reduced where necessary. Proposed project would also include streetscape improvements (pedestrian-scale street lighting, street trees & planting areas, repaired sidewalk paving, enhanced crosswalk treatments, transit furniture, & public art).

14 Figueroa Corridor Streetscape Project

15 CEQA & Scoping Disclosure is Main Purpose of CEQA
Allows for Public Participation Helps Determine Scope of Environmental Analysis

16 Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
Evaluate Existing Conditions Determine Evaluation Criteria Compare Project Impacts to Evaluation Criteria Identify Mitigation Measures for Significant Impacts Evaluate Effectiveness of Mitigation Measures Identify Unavoidable Effects Evaluate Alternatives Evaluate Cumulative Impacts

17 EIR Process Notice of Preparation & Scoping Meetings We Are Here
Prepare Draft EIR Notice of Availability/Notice of Completion 45-Day Public Review Period/Community Meetings Prepare Responses to Comments/Final EIR City of Los Angeles Certifies the Final EIR Notice of Determination

18 Primary Environmental Issues
Land Use Compatibility Traffic & Congestion Air Quality Noise 18

19 Land Use Land Use Compatibility (loss of travel and/or parking lanes)
Applicable Land Use Plans & Policies 19

20 Traffic & Congestion Loss of travel lanes Intersection Operations
Local Roadway Operations 20

21 Air Quality Construction & Operational Impacts on sensitive receptors

22 Noise Construction -Related
Operational Impacts (shifting of traffic along Figueroa)

23 Alternatives Required Alternative No Project
To be Selected based on reduction of any Identified Significant Physical Impacts Use of parking Lanes instead of travel lanes in some cases Potential alternate treatment or routes in some cases

24 Mitigation, Monitoring & Reporting Program (MMRP)
Timing/Phasing of Mitigation Enforcement /Monitoring Agency Compliance Action

25 Opportunities For Public Comment
Written & Oral Comments Accepted: Today 30-Day NOP Public Comment Period: June 28, 2012 through July 30, 2012 Written Comments on the EIR Scope Must Be Submitted by: July 30, 2012 Draft EIR Anticipated to be Circulated for Public Review: Early Fall 2012 45-Day Draft EIR Public Comment Period Final EIR: Late 2012/early 2013 25

26 Send Comments to: Attn: David Somers
200 N. Spring Street, Room 667, Los Angeles, CA 90012 Phone: (213) Fax: (213) 26

27 Public Comments 27

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