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Ch 1 sec 5 Democratic Developments in England

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1 Ch 1 sec 5 Democratic Developments in England
List causes & effects or summary of the following Pgs 40-46

2 Feudalism (C & E) Henry II (Summarize) Common Law (Summarize) Magna Carta/Great Charter (Summarize) Absolute monarch (Summarize) Results of the English Civil War Cause & effects of the Glorious Revolution Cause & effects of the English Bill of Rights Habeas corpus (Summarize) Limited monarchy (Summarize)

3 Feudalism Cause - European monarchs were too weak to maintain law & order, needed protection of their homes, lands,& need of security lead up to feudalism. Effects - Loosely organized system that local lords divided their lands in exchange to higher more powerful lords they pledged services & loyalty, the king occupied the highest pt on the feudal pyramid 3 min explains the serfs


5 Henry II Energetic & well-educated
he expanded/broadened the legal system of royal justices Sent traveling judges to enforce royal laws Help create the jury system

6 Common Law Legal system based on customs & court decisions
Applied to all of England & its people Standardized laws & punishments for all

7 Magna Carta/Great Charter
King John had oppressive taxes & other abuses of powers Baron’s make him sign Magna Carta in 1215, First document to limit the governments/ monarchies powers (IMPORTANT, 2 BM?’s) 2 Important Principles Asserted that the nobles had certain rights The monarch must obey the law ironclad

8 Absolute Monarch A ruler w/ complete authority over the government & lives of the people

9 Results of the English Civil War
Parliament & King fight Parliament sets up a court to try the king First time, ruling monarch had been tried & executed by his own people Key Principle No ruler could claim absolute power & ignore the rule of law ( over view/review

10 Glorious Revolution Key Principle
Causes Charles II believed in absolute monarchy James II suspended laws Protestants fear Roman Catholic Church to be restored Effects William & Mary invade England w/ army overthrow King James II William & Mary accept English Bill of Right to become limited monarchs Key Principle Parliament now was more powerful than the monarchy Glorious Revolution | 3 Minute History

11 English Bill Of Rights Causes Effects
Parliament forces William & Mary to sign E.B.R. Abusive powers by monarchs Effects Parliament was superior to monarchs King/Queen no longer interfere in parliamentary debates or suspend laws. restated traditional rights of English Cits Abolished excessive fines cruel/unjust punishments

12 Habeas Corpus Translated as “you should have the body,” habeas corpus is a legal action, or writ, by which those imprisoned unlawfully can seek relief from their imprisonment. Derived from English common law, habeas corpus first appeared in the Magna Carta of 1215 and is the oldest human right in the history of English-speaking civilization. The doctrine of habeas corpus stems from the requirement that a government must either charge a person or let him go free.

13 Limited monarchy A constitution (piece of paper) or legislative body limits the monarch’s power, monarch has to obey the law and govern in partnership with Parliament.

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