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In pre-school primary school and secondary school

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1 In pre-school primary school and secondary school
Reflection of Light In pre-school primary school and secondary school By Premus

2 Laser Pre-school Expected outcomes Basic topics Activities Teaching materials Teacher’s competences The children can direct the light to a ‘hidden’ object Reflection, constructivism There is a ‘dog’ (the torch) that needs to find his food. The children should use mirrors to guide the dog to its food Scale model of a garden, with bushes, shed, trees, bench, fence etc. Mirrors Light source (torch) Motivator / motivation story

3 Laser Primary school Expected outcomes Basic topics Activities Teaching materials Teacher’s competences The children understand that light travels in a straight line Light Discovery learning and constructivism Place the light and then the mirrors Wooden labyrinth, with wooden obstacles Knowledge of the concepts and topic The children understand that the direction in which the light travels can be altered by means of reflection Reflection First place the mirrors and then the light

4 Laser Secondary school Expected outcomes Basic topics Activities Teaching materials Teacher’s competences The pupils can calculate the direction of light, based on the angle and position of the mirrors Calculations on angles Do calculations on the angles of reflection and positions of the mirrors Wooden labyrinth, with wooden obstacles cognitivism Place the mirrors at the calculated positions and angles Position the light and see if the calculations were correct

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