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Back-to-School Night Mr. Jones Room 21.

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Presentation on theme: "Back-to-School Night Mr. Jones Room 21."— Presentation transcript:

1 Back-to-School Night Mr. Jones Room 21

2 Welcome Everyone! 5:30-5:40 Sign up for conferences
Write a birthday note on the back of your child’s birthday baseball (on desk) and a small note on the halfsheet responding to your child’s friendly letter. 5:40-6:10 Talk, Talk, Talk, Questions

3 Third Grade Third grade is the valuable year for students to consolidate their academic skills and continue to build social skills before moving to upper elementary.

4 Expectations for Teacher
Ethos- fair, sincere Pathos- caring, empathy Logos- subject knowledge, clarity

5 Expectations for Teacher & Students

6 Class Expectations Whole Brain Teaching
1. Follow directions quickly. 2. Raise your hand for permission to speak. 3. Raise you hand for permission to leave your seat. 4. Make smart choices. 5. Keep your dear teacher happy.

7 Super Improver Wall

8 Homework Policy Homework will provide additional practice in previously introduced material to increase depth of understanding. Homework will provide practice and review when current work is less than satisfactory. Homework will develop independent study habits and the ability to organize and complete assigned homework tasks. Typically 30 minutes four times a week.

9 Math Aligned with Common Core Standards Multiplying and Dividing Facts
Place Value/ Rounding Fractions Geometry Measurement (especially time)

10 Reading Plan Read to Self Scholastic Storyworks Genre Goal Reading Book Clubs Core Literature Daily 5 CAFE careful Close Reading Read Alouds Meta-cognitive Thinking This is a Bubble Map Ask your child about Thinking Maps.

11 Why Independent Reading Matters
Percentile Rank Book Minutes Per Day Words Read Per Year 98 65 4,358,000 90 21.2 1,823,000 80 14.2 1,146,000 70 9.6 622,000 60 6.5 432,000 50 4.6 282,000 40 3.2 200,000 30 1.8 106,000 20 0.7 21,000 10 .1 8000 2

12 Genre Requirement Number Tally Chart 2 Traditional Literature 3
Fantasy 1 Science Fiction 4 Realistic Fiction Historical Fiction Mystery Informational 22 Biography/ Auto Poetry 9 Choice Graphic Novel

13 Spelling Sitton (High Frequency, No Excuse Words, Priority Words)
Part of Weekly Packet handed out on Monday Weekly Cloze Assessment every other week. (rotated with vocabulary quiz on other Fridays)

14 Language Conventions Quizzes every Friday on that week’s content written in Mentor Sentence notebooks. M Invitation to Notice T Invitation to Notice Parts Speech W Invitation to Revise Th Invitation to Imitate

15 Writing Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences. Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.

16 Speaking At least once a month Topic in weekly Bulletin Graded on-
Content Voice and volume Eye contact posture Practice, practice, practice

17 Ask your child about Thinking Maps.
Science Variation of Traits This is a Bubble Map. Ask your child about Thinking Maps. Programming Patterns

18 Ask your child about Thinking Maps.
Social Studies Geography Branches of Government Economy Products Capitalism Supply Demand Landforms California Executive Legislative Judicial This is a Tree Map. Ask your child about Thinking Maps.

19 Ask your child about Thinking Maps.
Grades A B C D U 100-90% 89-80% 79-70 69-60 59> This is a Tree Map. Ask your child about Thinking Maps. Retakes of tests are due within three days with a maximum score of 70. Late assignments without a note will not be accepted

20 Communication and Contact Info Homework Trackers District Class Website Edmodo Remind app

21 Ways to Help Your Child Make Progress
Sundays: Read Weekly Bulletin. Preview with your child what they know and what they will learn.. Daily: COMMUNICATE: Ask about activities, struggles, successes. READ together. Fridays: TOGETHER, Check over EVERY-THING in Friday folders. Weekly: Visit class website for updates on lessons, activities, news. Keep INFORMED. Trimester 1: Attend Parent Conference and receive report card. Anytime: , leave phone msg., write a note, jot comment on Binder Reminder. This is a Flow Map. Ask your child about Thinking Maps.

22 What You Do at Home Helps Us Here at School
Use dinnertime s an opportunity to talk about school, current events, etc. Child feels important. Child practices strong communication and thinking skills. Set a reasonable bedtime, provide a nutritious breakfast, and don’t be tardy. Student is healthy and alert and doesn’t miss important instruction. Your 3rd Grader Child learns good habits and benefits from the support of an interested, informed parent. Make a habit of reviewing HW Tracker, Bulletin, and website in a timely manner. This is a Multi Flow Map. Ask your child about Thinking Maps.

23 And Finally Signups for November Conferences
Signups for Room parents/ volunteers Write a note to your child on the back of the Birthday baseball Please turn in Birthday baseballs tonight. Please turn in Parent Survey tonight or by end of the week.

24 Technology Technology is integrated into the curriculum.
It provides multiple means of engagement and appeals to all learning styles. It helps to enhance and enrich learning. It encourages problem solving and higher order thinking skills while preparing children for the 21st century.

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