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The plan: 1. Income and their classification 2. Wages and its shape.

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Presentation on theme: "The plan: 1. Income and their classification 2. Wages and its shape."— Presentation transcript:

1 Topic: Personal incomes and living standards. Wages and labor relations.
The plan: 1. Income and their classification 2. Wages and its shape. 3. Standard of living and its indicators.

2 Economic theory distinguishes two types of income:
First, the concept of income as private business, ie, micro- Second, as the concept of income for the national economy (national income), ie at the macro level

3 The definition of income at the micro level:
Income is the money obtained in the economic activity in a given period of time.

4 Classification of income produced by different criteria.
If distinguish income by assigning subjects (one who receives), then the income is divided into: income; revenues of the enterprise (organization); state revenues; income society (national income);

5 Depending on the value received and real disposable income in the income of the population highlights: nominal income; disposable income or private; real income;

6 Business income: gross income; median income; marginal revenue;

7 Family income includes the following items:
Salary; business income; property income (rent, interest, rents, dividends); government transfer payments (pensions, scholarships, grants, free services in health, education); income from other sources;

8 2. The objective necessity of distribution according to work:
The level of development of productive forces are not high enough to go to the distribution according to need. Work has not yet become the prime vital human need, differences in work make it necessary to incentives.

9 Criteria for the distribution of labor
number labor 1. Hours of work 2. Intensity level of labor quality 1. Complexity of the work and skills of workers 2. The conditions in which work is performed 3. The social significance of industry

10 Forms of distribution according to work:
money form Natural

11 Basic principles of wages:
Equal pay for equal work, the state regulation-set wages in the social scale. Combination of material and moral incentives. Faster productivity growth than the increase in wages.

12 Forms and payroll system :
piecework individual, collective a line-piece -piecework-bonus -progressive piecework -chord wait a little a simple time-based -time-plus-bonus

13 Tariff system of organization wage
elements tariff systems Wage-rate; Tariff rate of the first category; Rates scale schemes officers warehouses; Regional rates of wages;

14 Factors of growth in real wages: growth of nominal wages tax cuts
Salary levels: 1. Nominal wages 2. Real wages Factors of growth in real wages: growth of nominal wages tax cuts decline in prices of consumer goods and services

15 Index of different prices for goods and services-75 203 х 100
index of money wages = Index of real wages price Index for goods and services index of money wages-203 Index of different prices for goods and services-75 203 х 100 Index of real wages = = 271 75

16 qualitative indicator
3. The standard of living is determined by the security of supplies of essential The standard of living qualitative indicator Monetary-cost parameter Naturally, the real rate

17 Market Basket is a full set of consumer (material and spiritual) of goods and services required to meet the normal needs of the average family-strategic, to ensure its normal functioning.

18 Market Basket is divided into 3 parts:
products non-food products services

19 Market Basket is the basis for the cost of living.
In determining the cost of living is taken into account, not only food-tion basket, but food and service. The cost of subsistence minimum at-includes taxes and other payments.


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