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Presentation on theme: "REPORTS BY NEW PROJECT DIVISION HEADS: “Rare Isotope Beams”"— Presentation transcript:

structure tasks and aims personnel milestones interfaces to other project divisions interfaces to experiment


3 Rare Isotope Beams (RB)
Organigramm /RB Rare Isotope Beams (RB) H. Simon Super-FRS M. Winkler (H. Weick) Detector Laboratory Ch. Schmidt (B. Voss) Secretariat N.N. R3B exp. project group Interim Structure: Additional NUSTAR detector divison expected in 2013 (Hi/DESPEC, ILIMA) 40 (45) FTE 10/2012

4 Personnel/RB Moderate increase, mainly at Super-FRS and Detlab
To be covered by selective recruitment and redirection

5 Tasks and aims Project Group R³B (5 FTE)
Established: 10/2012 handles GLAD magnet power supply, cryostat, cyrogenics and vacuum chamber for SAT in Cave-C (2013/14) and later use in the FAIR cave (PSP ). system responsible for building the NEULAND neutron ToF detector (PSP ) procurement of detector material, mechanical integration, NUSTAR detector department (5 FTE) 2013 Concept, design & construction of the core NUSTAR DAQ system for Super-FRS, R³B, HI/DESPEC within project scope (PSPs , , ) with CSEL. Mechanical integration of the HI/DESPEC experiments (PSP ). Procurement and SAT for 10% of the DESPEC high resolution gamma detector (PSP ). System responsible for ILIMA ToF and decay detectors (PSPs &5) no increase in FTEs needed!

6 Interface experimental and accelerator development activities
GLAD Cryo system as test bench for UNICOS controls  CSCO Core DAQ BuTiS/White Rabbit time distribution system for campus wide experiment synchronisation (e.g. with the PID from Super-FRS).  CSCO

7 The Super-FRS department (currently 17FTE)
Established: 10/2012, evolves from FRS department Head: M. Winkler Technical realization of the Super-FRS: demanding „customer“ to other divisions 7 FTEs missing for the design & specification phase (2013/14).  Priority to magnets as they determine the timeline  Packages (e.g. Stopping cell) moved to external partners

8 List of major project Milestones
All contracts closed for major component All major component series production started Building and infrastructure ready for assembly All components installation (incl. testing) Assembly and alignment finished Commissioning without beam Super-FRS - Q4/2016 Q2/2019 Multipletts Q2/2013 Q4/2015 Q4/2018 Q1/2019 Dipoles Q3/2013 Q2/2015 Q2/2017 Magnet Testing Q1/2012 Q4/2013 Target Q4/2014 Q1/2017  Dedicated talk tomorrow by M. Winkler/H. Weick

9 Detector Laboratory (currently 17 FTE)
Tasks and aims Detector Laboratory (currently 17 FTE) Head: C.J. Schmidt Provides most of the necessary technologies to build the required instrumentation for packages to be handled in the different project departments. Strong focus on in-kind packages and priority to beam diagnostics. Hostlab support (limited) for „external“ packages. max. 4 FTEs missing in

10 Portfolio & link to other departments
System design ASIC integration bonding, ... Mechanical design Gas detector techniques Vapor deposition includes also: Silicon detectors Diamond detectors ...

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