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디지털제어 강의실 : 211 담당교수 : 고경철(기계공학부) 사무실 : 산학협력관 105B 면담시간 : 수시

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Presentation on theme: "디지털제어 강의실 : 211 담당교수 : 고경철(기계공학부) 사무실 : 산학협력관 105B 면담시간 : 수시"— Presentation transcript:

1 디지털제어 강의실 : 211 담당교수 : 고경철(기계공학부) 사무실 : 산학협력관 105B 면담시간 : 수시
강의실 : 211 담당교수 : 고경철(기계공학부) 사무실 : 산학협력관 105B 면담시간 : 수시 홈페이지:

2 강의진도 참고문헌 [1주] 1장 서론 [2주] 2장 Z 변환 [3주] 3장 역z변환
[1] 고경철외 3인, “디지털 제어 시스템”, 홍릉과학출판사, 2005 [2] Ogata, Discrete-Time Control System, [3] Dorf, Modern Control Systems, Wesley, 1998 2 of 20

3 3. Inverse Z transform Inverse Z transform
z domain discrete time domain 5 methods for Inverse Z transform (1) direct division method (2) difference equation method (3) computational method (4) Z-transform table method (5) partial-fraction expansion method 3 of 20

4 Three kinds of representations of Z transformed function
3.1 Direct division method Three kinds of representations of Z transformed function (1) z’s polynomial representation (2) pole-zero factorized representation (3) ’s polynomial representation 4 of 20

5 Three kinds of representations of Z transformed function
3.1 Direct division method Three kinds of representations of Z transformed function Representation: example i) Z’s polynomial representation iI) Poles and zeros representation iii) ’s polynomial representation 5 of 20

6 3.1 Direct division method
- expanding a infinite series of X(z) by direct division example) 6 of 20

7 3.1 Direct division method
문제3.1(1) 풀이 ex) 7 of 20

8 3.1 Direct division method
문제3.1(3) ~(5) ex2)Unit step function ex3)unit ramp function ex3)unit parabolic function 8 of 20

9 3.1 Direct division method
예제3.3 ex ) Fibonacci 9 of 20

10 3.2 Difference equation method
If u(k) is Kronecker delta input or Then, Thus, 10 of 20

11 3.2 Difference equation method
if G(z) is given by the z inverse representation form as We can derive the following difference equation by using delay shifting theorem It can be rewritten as ARMA(Auto Regressive Moving Average) form by Auto Regressive Moving Average 11 of 20

12 3.2 Difference equation method
예제3.4 ex) We can get difference equation Where 12 of 20

13 3.3 Computational method We can get difference equation Where 13 of 20

14 3.3 Computational method list3-1_Difference_eq cpp 14 of 20

15 3.3 Computational method list3-1_Difference_eqFileOut090315.cpp
15 of 20

16 3.3 Computational method We can get difference equation as Where
문제3.3 (3) 풀이 We can get difference equation as Where (i) k=0 ; x(0) =0 (ii) k=1; x(1)=10 (iii) x(2)=17 (iv) x(3)=18.4 (v) x(4)= 18.68 ……. 16 of 20

17 3.3 Computational method We can get difference equation as Where
list3-1_Difference_eq_para cpp We can get difference equation as Where (i) k=0 ; x(0) =0 (ii) k=1; x(1)=10 (iii) x(2)=17 (iv) x(3)=18.4 (v) x(4)= 18.68 ……. 17 of 20

18 3.4 Z-transform table method
Using Z-transform Table of Tab.2-1 ex) let where referring the table 2-1, Then, Since, 18 of 20

19 3.5 Partial fraction expansion method
Thus, where, 19 of 20

20 3.6 Z transform for solving the difference equation
for a linear time-invariant discrete time system 20 of 20

21 3.6 Z transform for solving the difference equation
(ex) solve the following difference equation using z-transform 21 of 20

22 3.7 Summary direct division method for inverse z transformation
as well as difference equation method, computational method using c-programming, Z transform table method, and partial fraction method. finally, solved difference equation using Z transform and inverse Z transform 22 of 20

23 HW#3 Solve Pr.3.1, 3.3,3.5,3.7,3.9,3.11,3.13,3.15 Due: Next week this time 23 of 20

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