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Site Grading Norman W. Garrick CE 4410 Spring 2017 Lecture 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Site Grading Norman W. Garrick CE 4410 Spring 2017 Lecture 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Site Grading Norman W. Garrick CE 4410 Spring Lecture 2

2 What is Site Grading? Site grading is the idea of re-shaping the land in order to accommodate a specific program of activities The goal should be to integrate the natural landform in such a way that the finished program is functional, cost effective and aesthetic



5 What is the Grade? The word grade can be used in a number of different ways. Some examples are given below. What is the grade of that slope? <Referring to the steepness of a slope> What is the grade at the lowest point in that valley? <Referring to an elevation> 4 % grade feet

6 Main Goals of Site Grading
The site grading should Integrate the desired uses with the existing land form Establish a properly functioning drainage pattern Define the character and aesthetics of the site

7 1. Integrate the Desired Uses with the Existing Land Form
The desired used may include features such as vehicle and pedestrian paths, buildings, parking areas, playing fields etc. Each of these various elements must be compatible with each other in order for the site to function as one system. The elements on the site must also be compatible with the surrounding existing terrain. Incompatibility can lead to various problems including: excessive earthwork, the need for retaining wallss and drainage problems (both on and off-site).

8 2. Establish a properly functioning drainage pattern
Site grading is the starting point for designing the drainage system: it should allow for the effective collection, conveyance and detention of storm water run off. A properly function drainage system limits peak runoff from the site while preventing wet basements, foundation damage, erosion and muddy streams

9 3. Define the character and aesthetics of the site
Effective site grading is cost effective, appealing and responsive to the opportunities and constraints offered by the site. It can enhance property value and contribute to the success of the project.

10 Site Grading Function and Appearance
The perceived steepness of a slope can be affected by a number of design features including Surface material: Coarser surfaces appear less steep – for example, a cobblestone surface appears gentler than an asphalt surface Slopes of greater than 2% can generally be visually perceived The visual perception of a slope is affected by the surrounding slopes

11 Site Grading Function and Appearance
Aspect and Enclosure Site grading can be used to create and enhance a sense of ASPECT or ENCLOSURE Aspect – Higher elevations relative to surrounding landscape can provide dramatic views – Horsebarn Hill, Storrs Cemetery. These relationships can be enhanced by the use or lack of vegetation Enclosure – Can be created by a change in elevation and use of vegetation. Subtle differences can have dramatic effects Enclosure can be used to provide containment, protection, privacy and screening

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