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Literacy/Social Studies

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1 Literacy/Social Studies
February blues? In February, fifth grade general math students will solidify their knowledge of division with unit fractions, and begin studying beginning algebraic concepts. Accelerated math students will focus on ratios and rates. This is the first of two somewhat long months – not many days off (unless there’s snow), and chilly temperatures mean indoor recess days. Please reinforce the importance of your fifth grader coming to school ready to learn each day! Grades for the third quarter are especially important as we prepare for sixth grade course selection. Keep up the hard work! Math News Literacy/Social Studies Reminder In Literacy, students will be studying the qualities of a hero. We will read different stories about characters that have heroic qualities, and discuss how these qualities are personified in the writing. In Social Studies, we will continue to study the American Revolution. Students will discuss important people and events of the Revolution, and how they continue to impact our lives today. 5th graders are welcome to exchange Valentine’s and/or candy on Tuesday, February 14. We will hold the Valentine’s exchange in the last half hour of the school day. If students choose to participate, they must include a Valentine for all students in his/her class. Candy may be exchanged but must be eaten after school at home. Rosters and a letter were sent home last week. Grade 5 News Berry Elementary February 2017

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