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Research in Cartography geospatial data visualization Sally Hermansen

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1 Research in Cartography geospatial data visualization Sally Hermansen
Joey Lee & Andreas Christen CO2 emissions UBC Geography 2015 Research in Cartography geospatial data visualization Sally Hermansen

2 What are we going to do today
Get us thinking about geospatial data vis – some cool web sites Review cartographic communication as you have been exposed to in 270/372 From Cartography to Geospatial data Visualization: Process Tufte’s principles of visualization Digital Transition Politics Review the course: web site; weekly schedule; assessment Assignment 1

3 1. Get us thinking about geospatial data vis – some cool web sites
New York Times: Irma maps Monday Sept 11/17

4 Person Project Name Software Link Co. Andy Woodruff Axis Maps
Geography of Jobs Brian Jacobs National Geographic Tracking Ivory Javascript/CSS, d3, Leaflet, Node, commandline Aaron Koblin Flight Paths Processing Gregor Aisch New York Times ? CARTO Madrid subway complaints CARTO +? Pipelines Yourish et al NYT Syrian refugee JavaScript +? Periscopic US Gun deaths Javascript +? Visually Global Coral Reef Monitoring Home Brew D3?

5 What are we going to do today
Get us thinking about geospatial data vis – some cool web sites Review cartographic communication as you have been exposed to in 270/372 From Cartography to Geospatial data Visualization: Process Tufte’s principles of visualization Digital Transition Politics Review the course: web site; weekly schedule; assessment Assignment 1

6 2. Cartographic Communication System
real world map user GIS analyst/ cartographer’s conception of the real world map map DECODING 472 ENCODING 270/372 visual noise

7 Map Design (270/372) Acquire data: check, review, edit, filter, parse
Classify, analyze, mine data: best method Represent data: map elements symbology figure/ground balance Ethics, audience, visual noise



10 What are we going to do today
Get us thinking about geospatial data vis – some cool web sites Review cartographic communication as you have been exposed to in 270/372 From Cartography to Geospatial data Visualization: Process Tufte’s principles of visualization Digital Transition Politics Review the course: web site; weekly schedule; assessment Assignment 1

11 3. From Cartography to Geospatial Data Visualization Lets get more creative… and this does not necessarily mean more complex MIT sensible cities lab

12 Geospatial Data Visualization Introduction to Dodge, McDerby and Turner Geographic Visualization
Looking: Explanation Presentation graphics, maps, charts Static, dynamic, animation, 3D Querying Exploration Visual interfaces for info access Data mining Questioning Exploration Probe and drill down from presentation graphics Interaction: change projections, filtering, classification, linked displays, real-time response BBC Gapminder (4 minutes)

13 a) Visualization Process Introduction to Dodge, McDerby and Turner Geographic Visualization
GOAL: helping people see the unseen see complex relationships, clear understanding of phenomenon, reduce search time reveal relationships classics: London Tube and Minard’s Napoleon March map Theoretical Process: Cognitive process of learning through the active engagement with graphical signs. A cognitive shorthand for places and processes Technical Process…

14 b) Tufte’s Principles of Visualization
Visual Explanations Envisioning Information Beautiful Evidence

15 Goals of the Course = Goals of Tufte’s books:
Creativity in Envisioning Information Representing knowledge with integrity through Visual Explanations Leaving behind Beautiful Evidence

16 Envisioning Information Escaping flatland
image number word art

17 Visual Explanations Develop methods to: Knowledge Describe Illustrate
Construct Knowledge Clarity and Excellence in Thinking Clarity and Excellence in Data Display

18 The importance of Visual Explanations: cause and effect
Decision to Launch Space Challenger Jan. 28, 1986 Perhaps Tufte’s greatest story Page 38 VE

19 Tufte, BE, p 122-139 Minard’s Map: analysis
Tufte’s Principles: Comparisons Compared to what? 422 to 10 only 1 in 42 survived; 22,000 died in 2 days river Causality, Mechanism, Structure, Explanation Termperature (reaumur scale, like C) starts at 0 or freezing, and Time: retreat Oct to Dec. 7th Multivariate Analysis 6 variables: size, location (x and y), direction, temp, date Integration of Evidence: words, numbers, images, diagrams: mixed methods Documentation : titles, authors, data source info, scales Content counts: quality, relevance, integrity of content These principles are rooted in cognitive tasks – are relevant for Producing presentation and consuming presentations Analytical thinking: 1. causality 2. comparison 3. multivariate complexity

20 c) Digital Transition Introduction to Dodge, McDerby and Turner Geographic Visualization
Since 90s: rapid development and diffusion of information and communication Mapquest, google maps, openstreetmap Cheap, powerful computer graphics Web mapping; on-line GIS tools, interactive mapping Visualizations seen increasingly as transitory info resources, created at the moment and discarded after use

21 Huge change in geospatial data:
from UBC geography Getdata to open data captured by governments and industry to citizen science data or Volunteer Geographic Information Big Data: sensors can now capture massive amounts of data in real time








29 Copy in GIC

30 Carlo Ratti Director MIT Sensible Cities lab
Big data on cities + technology + design = Making cities smarter greener healthier

31 Carlo Ratti Director MIT Sensible Cities lab
Underground project MIT team: “economists, engineers, data scientists, biologists, mathematicians and data visualizers”

32 Carlo Ratti Director MIT Sensible Cities lab
“he has figured out how to line up art and science, to merge a visual repertoire with one based on technology” AZUREMAGAZINE, Sept 2017

33 d) Politics of Visualization Introduction to Dodge, McDerby and Turner Geographic Visualization
Methodology of data selection design process Subjective process: decision to include, exclude, represent, message Data integrity – with all this open data, software, hackathons, github, forking…. We are losing meta data – data lineage and data integrity.


35 Data integrity? Versus

36 What are we going to do today
Get us thinking about geospatial data vis – some cool web sites Review cartographic communication as you have been exposed to in 270/372 From Cartography to Geospatial data Visualization: Process Tufte’s principles of visualization Digital Transition Politics Review the course: web site; weekly schedule; assessment Assignment 1

4. The Course

38 Goals of Course Understand geospatial data visualization process from raw data to interactive web maps (encoding information) Understanding of decoding geospatial information displays: visual system, perception, cognition Exposure to geospatial data visualization created with open source tools which may involve some coding. Create a portfolio blog site as a repository of your work Work with a community partner on a visualization project

39 5. Map Critique Assignment
Due at the beginning of next class Presenters?

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